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Board games
Sesamstraat - Boodschappen doen
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Collection / set
Number in collection
Number of players
Author / designer

Your shopping list will tell you what to buy in the various stores. Take care of your money and come back with all your shopping. The players dice around a shopping center and try to be the first to buy three different things. What must be bought is on their own shopping list: always something that costs 1 coin, something that is 2 currencies expensive and 1 something that you have to pay with three coins. Six shops are available. The things you need to buy are on large cardboard discs and are available in stores. His turn rolls the dice and moves his Sesame Street figure 1, 2 or 3 spaces in any direction. At the start, everyone only has 1 coin, so you should try to earn it along the way. This works quite well because fortunately there are quite a few places on the course where a coin can be picked up. While dicing, the figures are moved, money is earned or something is bought in the right shop. Whoever can buy his three things first wins the game. Age: from 5 years old Content: - 1 game board - 1 die - 4 pawns with feet - 6 shopping lists - 18 messages - 12 Sesame coins - game rules

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