Exclusive Coin Auction (Spain)

Lucernae was founded in 2002 under the leadership of Antonio Hinojosa Pareja. Lucernae, as commonly known, is the plural of a Latin word that denotes a point of light (lucerna), a typical everyday object in any Roman home. In the same way, our purpose is Coins minted in classical antiquity are miniature works of art full of history and fascinating for their mere 2,000-year survival. But, above all, for the information about those bygone times they can provide through their collection and study. Numismatics is a science enjoyed by enthusiasts around the world. These are eager to discover and research multiple aspects, technical details, the extraordinary aesthetic beauty of the stamps, economic and financial processes and History. They all contain the knowledge of a bygone era that, in the end, was not so different from this... and there is no better way to learn how to face the challenges of the future than looking at the mirror of the past through the surface of these beautiful little pieces of History. Welcome to the ship of the past through Lucernae, welcome to knowledge through coins, receive in your hands a little piece of History.

Lucernae was founded in 2002 under the leadership of Antonio Hinojosa Pareja. Lucernae, as commonly known, is the plural of a Latin word that denotes a point of light (lucerna), a typical everyday object in any Roman home. In the same way, our purpose is Coins minted in classical antiquity are miniature works of art full of history and fascinating for their mere 2,000-year survival. But, above all, for the information about those bygone times they can provide through their collection and study. Numismatics is a science enjoyed by enthusiasts around the world. These are eager to discover and research multiple aspects, technical details, the extraordinary aesthetic beauty of the stamps, economic and financial processes and History. They all contain the knowledge of a bygone era that, in the end, was not so different from this... and there is no better way to learn how to face the challenges of the future than looking at the mirror of the past through the surface of these beautiful little pieces of History. Welcome to the ship of the past through Lucernae, welcome to knowledge through coins, receive in your hands a little piece of History.

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