No. 92737091

Syvanus Urban - Gentleman's Magazine & Historical Chronicle. Vol 49 - 1779
No. 92737091

Syvanus Urban - Gentleman's Magazine & Historical Chronicle. Vol 49 - 1779
This book delves into the history and uses of tithes, a controversial topic that has sparked debate for centuries.
The author, an expert in the field, provides a comprehensive examination of the subject, exploring its origins, evolution, and impact on both religious and secular societies. The book sheds light on the complex relationship between tithes, the Church, and the laity, examining how this form of taxation has influenced religious practices, social structures, and economic systems over time. Through a meticulous analysis of historical records and theological texts, the author presents a nuanced understanding of the role tithes have played in shaping the development of Christianity and its relationship with the state. This thought-provoking study offers valuable insights into the history of religious taxation, providing a deeper comprehension of its enduring legacy and contemporary relevance.
All plates present and bound in order ENGRAVINGS: 1, Impression of a Fish upon slate 2, New Apparatus for Brewing 3, Map of Belle Isle 4, The attack of Severndroog 5, A Portable Furnace and The Valley of Menat 6, Representation of the Svah Ghush 7, Representation of the procession at the Coronation 8, The open Pall etc 9, A View of the imide of the Guldhall as it appeared at the Entertainment of the Royal Family 10, Representation of a new Bridge lately built at Dublin 11, An Accurate Map of all His Majesty’s Dominions in Germany 12, A large Map of the country around Breslau 13, A large Map of the country About Lignitz 14, The sixth particular Map on the plan proposed 15, The seventh particular Map on the plan proposed 16, The eight particular Map on the plan proposed Scarce journal with lots of fascinating information on all subjects historical, literary, scientific and others. CONTENTS INCLUDE: Life of Admiral Boscawen - Fertility of the countries about the Mississippi - Story of ROUSSEAUS’s New Eloisa - an essay on Duelling, from the French - Transit of Venus over the Sun - Description of a terrible shipwreck by a Tornado - History of the Republic of Geneva - Some Account of the Trial of Willy Sutton (for the Murder of Ann Bell) - observations relating to the Cicuta or Hemlock - Account of Gardelle, executed for Murder -Equivocal doctrine of the Methodists - Rise, progress, and present state of the Magdalen hospital - an original letter from Oliver CROMWELL to his son in law, never before printed - account of the loss of the LITCHFIELD - on the fevers and coughs of children - Case of Thomas Daniels, pardoned after condemnation -particulars of the life of M’Naughton, the murderer of Miss Know - Description of the Isle of CEYLON - etc
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