How Do I Sell at Catawiki?
Seller Handbook
Everything You Need to Know to Become a Seller on Catawiki
This step-by-step guide will walk you through everything you need to know to become a seller. From setting up a free seller account to determining the shipping costs of your object, we are here to help you at every stage.
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How Can I Tell if My Objects are Suitable for Catawiki?
There are a number of factors which can help determine if your object is suitable for auction. This includes considering an item’s rarity, age, condition, cultural or historical context, its quality and its ability to make someone say ‘wow’. If your object is especially valuable, significant, individual or exquisite, we’d love to see it offered up for auction.
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Who Can Sell at Catawiki’s Online Auctions?
To put it simply, anyone can sell at Catawiki. Whether you are a professional retailer or trader, or just someone who wants to make some extra money selling your items online, we’re always excited to see the special objects you have to offer up.
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How to sell through Catawiki

Register as a seller

Registering as a seller is free and very easy to do. Once you have an account, you can offer up as many objects as you wish that are of premium quality.

Submit your lot

Select the auction that fits your lot. Please add an accurate description and clear images that showcase your lot as best as possible.


We'll notify you once the buyer has transferred their payment. You can then ship your lot within 3 working days. You’ll receive payment within 2 weeks of indicating that your lot has been shipped, provided there is no dispute related to the purchase.

Shipping costs

Shipping costs are free of commission. As a seller, you can indicate the shipping costs for various destinations when offering up your lots.
Create your free seller account
Through Catawiki you can sell your special objects to bidders from all over the world! Fill in your details to begin your seller registration.
Do you have a Catawiki account? Sign in
It’s time to sell to bidders from all over the world
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