N.º 93355391

Danilo Nedić - Focused Skateboard Woodworks - "Braids made" ~ 2024 - ArtDecko Wall Art
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€ 375
Hace 6 días

Danilo Nedić - Focused Skateboard Woodworks - "Braids made" ~ 2024 - ArtDecko Wall Art

"Braids made" is part of the ArtDecko wall art series by Danilo Nedić, founder of Dutch Design studio Focused Skateboard Woodworks. This wall art serie is inspired by the classic tile patterns from the Art Deco art movement of the 1920s and 1930s. After experimenting with translating recycled skateboard veneers into these patterns, Danilo discovered a bigger world of geometry behind them with endless possibilities. The experiment resulted in unique geometrical patterns that challenge and play with the viewer’s senses. The colourful skateboard veneers give depth to every pattern, creating three-dimensional effects that change every time you look at the artwork. This way every ArtDecko artwork embodies the playful, wayward and creative spirit of skateboarding. ONE-OFF Every ArtDecko artwork has its own unique color pattern and is only made once. SIZE 48,1 x 41,8 cm (H xW). FINISH Oil and hard wax. ARTIST Danilo Nedić (founder Focused) YEAR 2024 #winterchalet

N.º 93355391

Danilo Nedić - Focused Skateboard Woodworks - "Braids made" ~ 2024 - ArtDecko Wall Art

Danilo Nedić - Focused Skateboard Woodworks - "Braids made" ~ 2024 - ArtDecko Wall Art

"Braids made" is part of the ArtDecko wall art series by Danilo Nedić, founder of Dutch Design studio Focused Skateboard Woodworks. This wall art serie is inspired by the classic tile patterns from the Art Deco art movement of the 1920s and 1930s. After experimenting with translating recycled skateboard veneers into these patterns, Danilo discovered a bigger world of geometry behind them with endless possibilities. The experiment resulted in unique geometrical patterns that challenge and play with the viewer’s senses. The colourful skateboard veneers give depth to every pattern, creating three-dimensional effects that change every time you look at the artwork. This way every ArtDecko artwork embodies the playful, wayward and creative spirit of skateboarding.

Every ArtDecko artwork has its own unique color pattern and is only made once.

48,1 x 41,8 cm (H xW).

Oil and hard wax.

Danilo Nedić (founder Focused)



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