Ventes de singles 45 tours

This is your chance to own a piece of vinyl broadcasting history for a limited time only. CHAB is a Canadian radio station broadcasting an oldies format at 800 AM. The station is being licensed to Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, serving southcentral Saskatchewan. The station first began broadcasting in 1922 at 1200 AM as 10AB before becoming CHAB on December 17, 1933, before moving to 1220 AM in 1941 and to its current dial position at 800 AM in 1946. The station is currently owned by Golden West Broadcasting which also owns sister stations CJAW-FM and CILG-FM. CHAB's studios are located at 1704 Main Street North. The station was an affiliate of the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission from 1933 to 1936 when it affiliated with the newly formed Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. In 1944, it became an affiliate for the CBC's Dominion Network until 1962 when the Dominion Network folded and CHAB became an independent station.

This is your chance to own a piece of vinyl broadcasting history for a limited time only. CHAB is a Canadian radio station broadcasting an oldies format at 800 AM. The station is being licensed to Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, serving southcentral Saskatchewan. The station first began broadcasting in 1922 at 1200 AM as 10AB before becoming CHAB on December 17, 1933, before moving to 1220 AM in 1941 and to its current dial position at 800 AM in 1946. The station is currently owned by Golden West Broadcasting which also owns sister stations CJAW-FM and CILG-FM. CHAB's studios are located at 1704 Main Street North. The station was an affiliate of the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission from 1933 to 1936 when it affiliated with the newly formed Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. In 1944, it became an affiliate for the CBC's Dominion Network until 1962 when the Dominion Network folded and CHAB became an independent station.

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