Anelo1997 is a Roman laboratory that composes sculptures and architecture with welded and painted iron box tubes. He has exhibited since 2011 at art fairs (Paratissima 2016 and 2021), architecture houses (Prossimo Futuro 2017 in Rome), art galleries, churches, former factories, public places, cultural centres, historic villages (Competition Festival del tempo 2020). He also works for the theater creating sets and urban art installations for international festivals of performing art.

The architectures tell the relationship of man with space and therefore with time, the geometries multiply.

certificate of authenticity from the artist

Exercise Three - 0923

Data sheet
6 x 6 mm square section steel, arc welded, painted with Matt Black antioxidant paint.
The artwork is divided into 2 independent parts, each of which weighs approximately 4 kg and
measures approximately 60 x 70 x 12 cm.
overall measure 80x140x12 cm
Critical text
Exercise three is a modular artwork, an exercise in form and imagination.
The sculpture is made up of independent modules, which can be combined and varied at will,
producing a potentially unlimited number of shapes and combinations.
These Exercises are a way to stimulate new intuitions both in the artist and in the viewer.


Anelo1997 is a Roman laboratory that composes sculptures and architecture with welded and painted iron box tubes. He has exhibited since 2011 at art fairs (Paratissima 2016 and 2021), architecture houses (Prossimo Futuro 2017 in Rome), art galleries, churches, former factories, public places, cultural centres, historic villages (Competition Festival del tempo 2020). He also works for the theater creating sets and urban art installations for international festivals of performing art.

The architectures tell the relationship of man with space and therefore with time, the geometries multiply.

certificate of authenticity from the artist

Exercise Three - 0923

Data sheet
6 x 6 mm square section steel, arc welded, painted with Matt Black antioxidant paint.
The artwork is divided into 2 independent parts, each of which weighs approximately 4 kg and
measures approximately 60 x 70 x 12 cm.
overall measure 80x140x12 cm
Critical text
Exercise three is a modular artwork, an exercise in form and imagination.
The sculpture is made up of independent modules, which can be combined and varied at will,
producing a potentially unlimited number of shapes and combinations.
These Exercises are a way to stimulate new intuitions both in the artist and in the viewer.


Après 2000
Pays d’origine
Fer soudé
Titre de l'œuvre d'art
Exercise Three - 0923 - 5/7
Signé à la main
Excellent état
80 cm
140 cm
12 cm
8 kg

11 évaluations (7 au cours des 12 derniers mois)
  1. 7
  2. 0
  3. 0

11 évaluations (7 au cours des 12 derniers mois)
  1. 7
  2. 0
  3. 0

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Ce Lot est mis en vente par un particulier. En conséquence, vous ne disposez pas du droit de rétractation.