This is an abstract sculpture made of a petrified mammalian bone. The bone I found on the shore of the Baltic Sea. The form is from nature, I've added just a little bit of shape and polished it. The proces started long ago with the Big Bang, then life boiled for billions of years till this precise specimen was born. It had a life of its own, emotions, opinions, decisions and interactions with the environment. Then it died and the sea took it and polished for thousands of years. The sculpture is polished bone.
The base is granite.
Dimensions 15x7x7cm
Weight 1.20kg
Shipping - post/courier

This is an abstract sculpture made of a petrified mammalian bone. The bone I found on the shore of the Baltic Sea. The form is from nature, I've added just a little bit of shape and polished it. The proces started long ago with the Big Bang, then life boiled for billions of years till this precise specimen was born. It had a life of its own, emotions, opinions, decisions and interactions with the environment. Then it died and the sea took it and polished for thousands of years. The sculpture is polished bone.
The base is granite.
Dimensions 15x7x7cm
Weight 1.20kg
Shipping - post/courier

Nombre d’objets
Pays d’origine
Période géologique
1000 ans
15 cm
7 cm

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