Representing the myth of Herakles and Nessos: Side A shows running Heracles with club and lion skin over his shoulder pursuing the centaur Nessos with palm leafs in one hand and an undefined item in the other hand (maybe a petasos) on side B

The Micali Painter
The Micali Painter was named after the late 18th century Italian scholar, Giuseppe Micali, who published the work of this distinctive anonymous Etruscan painter. The Micali Painter worked in Vulci circa 525-480 B.C., where many of the vases were discovered during Napoleonic excavations. The work is renowned for a lively black-figure style, often depicting rushing men, women and satyrs that were most frequently added to neck amphorae, such as the above vase.

After carrying Deianeira, the wife of Heracles, across the river, Nessos attempted to have intercourse with her. Heracles saw this from across the river and shot a Hydra-poisoned arrow into Nessus's breast. As he lay dying, as a final act of malice, Nessus told Deianeira that his blood would ensure that Heracles would be true to her forever, knowing the blood to be infected with the hydra's poison.
Deianeira foolishly believed him. Later, when her trust began to wane because of Iole, she spread the centaur's blood on a robe and gave it to her husband. Heracles went to a gathering of heroes, where his passion got the better of him. Meanwhile, Deianeira accidentally spilled a portion of the centaur's blood onto the floor. To her horror, it began to fume by the light of the rising sun.

Shipping terms
Worldwide shipping. No export permit needed to ship from Switzerland. Buyers have to cover transport costs and any additional import costs (e.g. VAT, import levies). You also acknowledge and accept that you are responsible for checking if there is any specific rule or restriction applicable to the import of an object into your country.

À propos du vendeur

Fondée en 2016, Plektron Fine Arts est établie près de la Paradeplatz au cœur de Zurich, en Suisse. Avec près de vingt ans d'expérience dans le secteur culturel et le monde de l'art international, Ludovic Marock a débuté sa carrière i.a. chez Sotheby’s et Christie’s. Il a représenté les principaux bureaux de Christie à Zurich en tant que spécialiste des antiquités en charge de tous les envois pour les ventes mondiales à partir de l'Europe continentale. Plectrum Fine Arts propose des œuvres d'art archéologiques de la région méditerranéenne, avec un accent particulier sur les périodes grecque et romaine.
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Representing the myth of Herakles and Nessos: Side A shows running Heracles with club and lion skin over his shoulder pursuing the centaur Nessos with palm leafs in one hand and an undefined item in the other hand (maybe a petasos) on side B

The Micali Painter
The Micali Painter was named after the late 18th century Italian scholar, Giuseppe Micali, who published the work of this distinctive anonymous Etruscan painter. The Micali Painter worked in Vulci circa 525-480 B.C., where many of the vases were discovered during Napoleonic excavations. The work is renowned for a lively black-figure style, often depicting rushing men, women and satyrs that were most frequently added to neck amphorae, such as the above vase.

After carrying Deianeira, the wife of Heracles, across the river, Nessos attempted to have intercourse with her. Heracles saw this from across the river and shot a Hydra-poisoned arrow into Nessus's breast. As he lay dying, as a final act of malice, Nessus told Deianeira that his blood would ensure that Heracles would be true to her forever, knowing the blood to be infected with the hydra's poison.
Deianeira foolishly believed him. Later, when her trust began to wane because of Iole, she spread the centaur's blood on a robe and gave it to her husband. Heracles went to a gathering of heroes, where his passion got the better of him. Meanwhile, Deianeira accidentally spilled a portion of the centaur's blood onto the floor. To her horror, it began to fume by the light of the rising sun.

Shipping terms
Worldwide shipping. No export permit needed to ship from Switzerland. Buyers have to cover transport costs and any additional import costs (e.g. VAT, import levies). You also acknowledge and accept that you are responsible for checking if there is any specific rule or restriction applicable to the import of an object into your country.

À propos du vendeur

Fondée en 2016, Plektron Fine Arts est établie près de la Paradeplatz au cœur de Zurich, en Suisse. Avec près de vingt ans d'expérience dans le secteur culturel et le monde de l'art international, Ludovic Marock a débuté sa carrière i.a. chez Sotheby’s et Christie’s. Il a représenté les principaux bureaux de Christie à Zurich en tant que spécialiste des antiquités en charge de tous les envois pour les ventes mondiales à partir de l'Europe continentale. Plectrum Fine Arts propose des œuvres d'art archéologiques de la région méditerranéenne, avec un accent particulier sur les périodes grecque et romaine.
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Name of object
Amphore étrusque à figures noires, attribuée au peintre Micali
Siècle/ Période
8th-7th century B.C.
Collection privée
Héraclès et Nessos
Pays d’origine
Terre cuite
Réparé à partir d'un fragment avec quelques surpeintures le long des lignes de fracture
28 cm

Mentions légales

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Le vendeur garantit que l'objet a été obtenu légalement et est en mesure de le prouver. Le vendeur a été informé par Catawiki qu'il devait fournir les documents requis par les dispositions législatives et réglementaires de son pays de résidence. Le vendeur garantit qu’il est autorisé à vendre/exporter cet objet. Le vendeur fournira à l'acheteur toutes les informations connues sur la provenance de l'objet. Le vendeur veillera à ce que tous les permis nécessaires soient (déjà) obtenus. Le vendeur informera immédiatement l'acheteur en cas de retard dans l'obtention de ces permis.