The State Hermitage, Treasures from the Museum’s Collection,
250th Anniversary Edition, (Revised and Extended Edition) by Mikhail Piotrovsky (Box set, Illustrated) Hardcover,2 volume set, Booth-Clibborn Editions,2014

This revised and updated two-volume survey of the museum has been chosen as the official publication for the 250th anniversary of the Hermitage in 2014. As an unrivalled treasury of world culture, presented through the museum's vast collections.

The Hermitage in St Petersburg, Russia, is one of the great museums of the world. This stunning new edition of the definitive book on the museum showcases its unparalleled collections, which span prehistory to the 20th century: Paleolithic artifacts of the 22nd millennium BC; Egyptian antiquities; Roman portrait busts; Byzantine coins; Scythian gold; Chinese prints; 19th-century Tibetan art; paintings by Leonardo and Picasso, Matisse and Rembrandt; Sèvres porcelain; Gobelins tapestries; jewelry; costumes; furniture; and much more. Recent additions, such as the Soviet porcelain collection of the Lomonosov Porcelain Museum, are also included.

Mikhail Piotrovsky's, new illustrated introduction reflect the "Greater Hermitage” project: its recent expansion across Palace Square, the museum’s new restoration and conservation center, and its affiliated museums in St Petersburg and beyond.

First published in 1994, this revised and updated two-volume set—the official publication for the 250th anniversary of the Hermitage—is an unrivaled treasury of world culture.

Product Details
ISBN 13: 9781861543561
Pages: 1646
Dimensions: 32x24 cm

The State Hermitage, Treasures from the Museum’s Collection,
250th Anniversary Edition, (Revised and Extended Edition) by Mikhail Piotrovsky (Box set, Illustrated) Hardcover,2 volume set, Booth-Clibborn Editions,2014

This revised and updated two-volume survey of the museum has been chosen as the official publication for the 250th anniversary of the Hermitage in 2014. As an unrivalled treasury of world culture, presented through the museum's vast collections.

The Hermitage in St Petersburg, Russia, is one of the great museums of the world. This stunning new edition of the definitive book on the museum showcases its unparalleled collections, which span prehistory to the 20th century: Paleolithic artifacts of the 22nd millennium BC; Egyptian antiquities; Roman portrait busts; Byzantine coins; Scythian gold; Chinese prints; 19th-century Tibetan art; paintings by Leonardo and Picasso, Matisse and Rembrandt; Sèvres porcelain; Gobelins tapestries; jewelry; costumes; furniture; and much more. Recent additions, such as the Soviet porcelain collection of the Lomonosov Porcelain Museum, are also included.

Mikhail Piotrovsky's, new illustrated introduction reflect the "Greater Hermitage” project: its recent expansion across Palace Square, the museum’s new restoration and conservation center, and its affiliated museums in St Petersburg and beyond.

First published in 1994, this revised and updated two-volume set—the official publication for the 250th anniversary of the Hermitage—is an unrivaled treasury of world culture.

Product Details
ISBN 13: 9781861543561
Pages: 1646
Dimensions: 32x24 cm

Nombre de livres
Art, Histoire
Titre du livre
The State Hermitage, Treasures from the Museum’s Collection, 250th Anniversary Edition
Comme neuf
Auteur/ Illustrateur
Mikhail Piotrovsky
Année de publication de l’ouvrage le plus ancien
Height of the book
32 cm
Édition illustrée
Width of the book
24 cm
Langue originale
Couverture rigide
Avec étui
Nombre de pages

76 évaluations (76 au cours des 12 derniers mois)
  1. 76
  2. 0
  3. 0

76 évaluations (76 au cours des 12 derniers mois)
  1. 76
  2. 0
  3. 0

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