Seller Opportunities

Discover upcoming opportunities to

sell on Catawiki

To help you attract bigger audiences and more bids for your special objects, take a look at the major selling moments we’ve got planned for the next few months. 

No Reserve Day is back - submit by 28 May

Enjoy higher demand for your special objects as Catawiki’s biggest auction event returns. All objects will be sold without a reserve price on 10 and 11 June.

Why sell during No Reserve Day

Earn more for your object

A 15-20% increase in unique bidders means more bids, which tends to result in a higher selling price.

Sell to a larger audience

We’re targeting all existing bidders as well as attracting new buyers during this campaign period.

More eyes on your objects

No Reserve Days are promoted via a range of channels, from digital advertising to high-profile partnerships.

What objects are we looking for?

We are seeking special objects across all categories – particularly objects that are usually hard to find in auction without a reserve price.

How to participate in No Reserve Day

Submit your objects with no reserve price by 28 May and include '28May' in your message to the expert.

See what’s coming on the Catawiki calendar

No Reserve Days

13–23, 24&25 September

Exclusive Selection

11–19&20 October 

Need some guidance on what to submit?

Catawiki is committed to maintaining our high quality standards. Our experts follow strict assessment guidelines before approving an object for auction. Please view the submission guidelines for more information.