N. 92703791

Koen Betjes (1992) - Banksy’s Balloon Girl x Mickey Mouse x StreetArt (canvas)
Offerta finale
€ 56
2 settimane fa

Koen Betjes (1992) - Banksy’s Balloon Girl x Mickey Mouse x StreetArt (canvas)

Amazing Mixed Media Artwork by artist Koen Betjes. Banksy’s Balloon Girl x Mickey Mouse x StreetArt (canvas) The item has been signed by the artist, comes with a COA and is a 50x50 1/1 limited edition, A real must have for every collector. Gallery Price 449€. Koen Betjes is one of the most popular Street/Pop Artists at the moment. Featuring: Banksy, Mickey Mouse, Keith Haring, and more. Item will be shipped secured and insured. For other amazing street and popart check out our IG: VisserStreetArtGallery Banksy Warholl Basquiat Mr Brainwash Vhils Add fuel Cleon Peterson Okuda Bordalo II Jonone Seth Pichiavo

N. 92703791

Koen Betjes (1992) - Banksy’s Balloon Girl x Mickey Mouse x StreetArt (canvas)

Koen Betjes (1992) - Banksy’s Balloon Girl x Mickey Mouse x StreetArt (canvas)

Amazing Mixed Media Artwork by artist Koen Betjes.

Banksy’s Balloon Girl x Mickey Mouse x StreetArt (canvas)

The item has been signed by the artist, comes with a COA and is a 50x50 1/1 limited edition, A real must have for every collector. Gallery Price 449€.

Koen Betjes is one of the most popular Street/Pop Artists at the moment. Featuring: Banksy, Mickey Mouse, Keith Haring, and more.

Item will be shipped secured and insured.

For other amazing street and popart check out our IG: VisserStreetArtGallery

Banksy Warholl Basquiat Mr Brainwash Vhils
Add fuel Cleon Peterson Okuda Bordalo II
Jonone Seth Pichiavo

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