N. 93006109

Signed, Helen Ward - Unwitting Wisdom an Anthology of Aesop's Fables - 2004
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Signed, Helen Ward - Unwitting Wisdom an Anthology of Aesop's Fables - 2004

Unwitting Wisdom an Anthology of Aesop's Fables Retold and Illustrated by Helen Ward Published in San Francisco by Chronicle Books Original Hard Binding with Original Dust Jacket Hand Signed by Helen Ward at the Title Page First Edition For over 2,500 years the simple stories and wry humor of Aesop's fables have entertained children and adults alike. Their lessons have seeped into the very fabric of our language, as evidenced by expressions such as "sour grapes" and "a wolf in sheep's clothing." Through the centuries many artists have risen to the challenge of interpreting their favorite tales. In this magnificent edition, award-winning illustrator Helen Ward has chosen a dozen of her favorite fables, painstakingly creating with words and breathtaking watercolors a dazzling new collection destined to become a classic.

N. 93006109

Signed, Helen Ward - Unwitting Wisdom an Anthology of Aesop's Fables - 2004

Signed, Helen Ward - Unwitting Wisdom an Anthology of Aesop's Fables - 2004

Unwitting Wisdom an Anthology of Aesop's Fables
Retold and Illustrated by Helen Ward
Published in San Francisco by Chronicle Books

Original Hard Binding with Original Dust Jacket

Hand Signed by Helen Ward at the Title Page
First Edition

For over 2,500 years the simple stories and wry humor of Aesop's fables have entertained children and adults alike. Their lessons have seeped into the very fabric of our language, as evidenced by expressions such as "sour grapes" and "a wolf in sheep's clothing."
Through the centuries many artists have risen to the challenge of interpreting their favorite tales. In this magnificent edition, award-winning illustrator Helen Ward has chosen a dozen of her favorite fables, painstakingly creating with words and breathtaking watercolors a dazzling new collection destined to become a classic.

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