Marble head of a ruler, probably Ptolemy V or VI
Greek, hellenistic period, 3rd-2nd century B.C.

Sculpted approximately half-lifesized, his oval head sligthly inclined to the right, almond-shaped eyes, heavy lids, slender nose, rounded chin and small mouth with parted lips, the curls of his short wavy hair summarily rendered and bound in a diadem; two drill holes on top of the head for the now lost diadem
16.5 cm. high

Two grooves along the top of this head originally held a royal diadem, presumably made of bronze, and indicates that the man represented is a ruler. A number of royal portraits can be grouped around the Egyptian Greek kings of the second and early first centuries B.C. (Ptolemies IV-VIII), but a precise identification is often difficult because many of these marble portraits were clearly reworked to represent the next king who seized power. In addition, some of the finer marble likenesses, including the head under consideration, were strongly idealized thus further hampering an accurate identification. The splendid series of royal portraits on Ptolemaic coins provides the best surviving evidence for pinpointing individual rulers. For a similar portrait head of Ptolemy IV, see H. Kyrieleis, Bildnisse der Ptolemäer, Berlin, 1975, p. 47 no. 171, Pl. 36.

Art market, Switzerland, May 1989
Private collection, Switzerland, acquired form the above

Musée d'art et d'histoire, Geneva, 2002 - 2017

Renate Thomas, Eine postume Statuette Ptolemaios’ IV. und ihr historischer Kontext. Zur Götterangleichung hellenistischer Herrscher. Mainz: von Zabern 2002. VIII, 108 S. 20 Taf. 4º. Trierer Winckelmannsprogramme, Heft 18.

Tip of nose missing, minor chips and scratches to the surface, otherwise intact.

Shipping terms
Worldwide shipping. No export permit needed to ship from Switzerland.Buyers have to cover transport costs and any additional import costs (e.g. VAT, import levies). You also acknowledge and accept that you are responsible for checking if there is any specific rule or restriction applicable to the import of an object into your country.

Sælger's Historie

Grundlagt i 2016 er Plektron Fine Arts etableret nær Paradeplatz i hjertet af Zürich, Schweiz. Med næsten tyve års erfaring inden for den kulturelle sektor og den internationale kunstverden startede Ludovic Marock sin karriere bl.a. hos Sotheby's og Christie's. Han repræsenterede Christies førende kontorer i Zürich som en antikvitetsspecialist med ansvar for alle sendinger til verdensomspændende salg fra det kontinentale Europa. Plectrum Fine Arts foreslår arkæologiske kunstværker fra Middelhavsområdet med særlig vægt på den græske og romerske periode.
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Marble head of a ruler, probably Ptolemy V or VI
Greek, hellenistic period, 3rd-2nd century B.C.

Sculpted approximately half-lifesized, his oval head sligthly inclined to the right, almond-shaped eyes, heavy lids, slender nose, rounded chin and small mouth with parted lips, the curls of his short wavy hair summarily rendered and bound in a diadem; two drill holes on top of the head for the now lost diadem
16.5 cm. high

Two grooves along the top of this head originally held a royal diadem, presumably made of bronze, and indicates that the man represented is a ruler. A number of royal portraits can be grouped around the Egyptian Greek kings of the second and early first centuries B.C. (Ptolemies IV-VIII), but a precise identification is often difficult because many of these marble portraits were clearly reworked to represent the next king who seized power. In addition, some of the finer marble likenesses, including the head under consideration, were strongly idealized thus further hampering an accurate identification. The splendid series of royal portraits on Ptolemaic coins provides the best surviving evidence for pinpointing individual rulers. For a similar portrait head of Ptolemy IV, see H. Kyrieleis, Bildnisse der Ptolemäer, Berlin, 1975, p. 47 no. 171, Pl. 36.

Art market, Switzerland, May 1989
Private collection, Switzerland, acquired form the above

Musée d'art et d'histoire, Geneva, 2002 - 2017

Renate Thomas, Eine postume Statuette Ptolemaios’ IV. und ihr historischer Kontext. Zur Götterangleichung hellenistischer Herrscher. Mainz: von Zabern 2002. VIII, 108 S. 20 Taf. 4º. Trierer Winckelmannsprogramme, Heft 18.

Tip of nose missing, minor chips and scratches to the surface, otherwise intact.

Shipping terms
Worldwide shipping. No export permit needed to ship from Switzerland.Buyers have to cover transport costs and any additional import costs (e.g. VAT, import levies). You also acknowledge and accept that you are responsible for checking if there is any specific rule or restriction applicable to the import of an object into your country.

Sælger's Historie

Grundlagt i 2016 er Plektron Fine Arts etableret nær Paradeplatz i hjertet af Zürich, Schweiz. Med næsten tyve års erfaring inden for den kulturelle sektor og den internationale kunstverden startede Ludovic Marock sin karriere bl.a. hos Sotheby's og Christie's. Han repræsenterede Christies førende kontorer i Zürich som en antikvitetsspecialist med ansvar for alle sendinger til verdensomspændende salg fra det kontinentale Europa. Plectrum Fine Arts foreslår arkæologiske kunstværker fra Middelhavsområdet med særlig vægt på den græske og romerske periode.
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Oldtidens Grækenland, hellenistisk
Name of object
Leder af en hellenistisk hersker
Århundrede/ Tidsramme
3rd-2nd century B.C.
Privat samling
Næsespids mangler, mindre afslag og ridser i overfladen og bag på hovedet ellers
16,5 cm


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Sælger garanterer og kan bevise, at genstanden er erhvervet på lovlig vis. Sælger er blevet informeret af Catawiki om, at skulle fremskaffe den dokumentation, der kræves af love og regler i dennes bopælsland. Sælger garanterer at være berettiget til, at måtte sælge/eksportere denne genstand. Sælger sørger for, at al information vedrørende proveniensen af en genstand vil blive videregivet til køber. Sælger sørger for, at eventuelle nødvendige tilladelser er blevet eller vil blive indhentet. Sælger vil omgående informere køber om eventuelle forsinkelser i forbindelse med indhentelse af sådanne tilladelser.