IMPORTANT NOTICE: To celebrate our first year as professional sellers on catawiki and to thank all the customers who have made us grow with 100% positive feedback, during the first quarter of the year we will be offering high quality pieces for sale far below market value. Authentic pieces for the best collectors and enthusiasts at very low reserve prices as a thank you for this wonderful year!


At Supein Nihonto we strive to bring you high quality samurai swords and armors at prices far below the competition. We are probably the largest exporter in Europe and we are proud to anunce that we are number one TOP SELLER in Catawiki Samurai and Japanese auctions. This is especially important to save on taxes and waiting times that can exceed four months deliveries with Japanese sellers also headaches with tedious and sometimes problematic processes that further lengthen deliveries, even returning the parcel to its origin and more than 35% extra on the final price due the customs, tariffs and fees that increase the product but not the quality and the future resell. We are also professional sellers and therefore our satisfaction guarantee, knowledge and standards are superior to private sellers and with higher after sales guarantees. Thanks to this and the lowest professional prices in the industry plus our fast and efficient shipping method which rarely exceeds three days delivery in Europe, we are sure you will enjoy this great opportunity to own a piece of art that will appreciate in value for years to come and a great investment. Trust us to enjoy the samurai art.


It Comes with Supein Nihonto auttenticity certificate.

Long Katana blade in koshirae. Signed: "Saijo~ ju~ Nyu~do~ saku" and dated 1937. the blade is polish but with no rest of hamon and a few kizus proppers of the ancient technique of tamahagane forging. The koshirae is in very good condition due the ages. And amazing piece of art. Normal signs of use and battle as normal for such kind of item. A great museum piece to any collector. Special and rare sword full of history to tell.

The blade is in old japanese polish remaining in good condition, the jihada of the steel is detailed and full of details to appreciate. A masterpiece Worthly a museum and a great addition to any private collection.

Blade is in very good condition due to aging. Not hagire and not fatal damage, of course. This is a japanese weapon so have a real historical value. This is a weapon with centuries, not machine crafted so can be minor movements of saya, tsuka, tsuba, etc. Because of dilatation, humidity, etc. and little damages propers of his age like small rust, scratches, etc.. Sold as is.

An Authentic nihonto japanese sword, difficult to find in Europe, without the consequent costs of importing from Japan or from Japanese sellers, which can increase the price of the sword by up to 30% and a months waiting for shipment and custom paperwork. A truly real nihonto to delight both new and experienced collectors.

All my swords are originals, imported from japan and Europe during many years of collection.

All bids are binding, if you are not interested don't let other bidders miss the opportunity. Winning the auction and not paying for the item blocks you from bidding on catawiki on any auction forever, keep this in mind before bidding.

Please see my other samurai swords and items clicking on my seller name. Combine shipping avaliable.


Nagasa: 65.4 cm. Sori: 1.4 cm.
Moto-haba: 3.2 cm. Saki-haba: 2.3 cm.
Moto-gasane: 0.7 cm. Saki-gasane: 0.5 cm.

Sælger's Historie

Hos Supein Nihonto stræber vi efter at tilbyde dig autentiske samurai-stykker af højeste kvalitet til priser langt under konkurrenterne gennem vanedannende lidenskab og konstant indsats. Vores mål er at tilbyde samurai våben og rustninger til næsten ethvert budget med et uovertruffent forhold mellem pris og kvalitet. Med konstante rejser til Japan, en stor daglig indsats og et godt omdømme blandt de vigtigste distributører i Japan, der giver os mulighed for at besøge steder, hvor de fleste europæere er forbudt, kan vi få det bedste fra begge verdener: Hurtig levering, ægte og førsteklasses varer og priser, du kun kan finde med et godt ry blandt industrien og japanske leverandører og tættere venner. Find os på Supein Nihonto-webstedet for mere information, varer og blog.
Oversat af Google Oversæt

IMPORTANT NOTICE: To celebrate our first year as professional sellers on catawiki and to thank all the customers who have made us grow with 100% positive feedback, during the first quarter of the year we will be offering high quality pieces for sale far below market value. Authentic pieces for the best collectors and enthusiasts at very low reserve prices as a thank you for this wonderful year!


At Supein Nihonto we strive to bring you high quality samurai swords and armors at prices far below the competition. We are probably the largest exporter in Europe and we are proud to anunce that we are number one TOP SELLER in Catawiki Samurai and Japanese auctions. This is especially important to save on taxes and waiting times that can exceed four months deliveries with Japanese sellers also headaches with tedious and sometimes problematic processes that further lengthen deliveries, even returning the parcel to its origin and more than 35% extra on the final price due the customs, tariffs and fees that increase the product but not the quality and the future resell. We are also professional sellers and therefore our satisfaction guarantee, knowledge and standards are superior to private sellers and with higher after sales guarantees. Thanks to this and the lowest professional prices in the industry plus our fast and efficient shipping method which rarely exceeds three days delivery in Europe, we are sure you will enjoy this great opportunity to own a piece of art that will appreciate in value for years to come and a great investment. Trust us to enjoy the samurai art.


It Comes with Supein Nihonto auttenticity certificate.

Long Katana blade in koshirae. Signed: "Saijo~ ju~ Nyu~do~ saku" and dated 1937. the blade is polish but with no rest of hamon and a few kizus proppers of the ancient technique of tamahagane forging. The koshirae is in very good condition due the ages. And amazing piece of art. Normal signs of use and battle as normal for such kind of item. A great museum piece to any collector. Special and rare sword full of history to tell.

The blade is in old japanese polish remaining in good condition, the jihada of the steel is detailed and full of details to appreciate. A masterpiece Worthly a museum and a great addition to any private collection.

Blade is in very good condition due to aging. Not hagire and not fatal damage, of course. This is a japanese weapon so have a real historical value. This is a weapon with centuries, not machine crafted so can be minor movements of saya, tsuka, tsuba, etc. Because of dilatation, humidity, etc. and little damages propers of his age like small rust, scratches, etc.. Sold as is.

An Authentic nihonto japanese sword, difficult to find in Europe, without the consequent costs of importing from Japan or from Japanese sellers, which can increase the price of the sword by up to 30% and a months waiting for shipment and custom paperwork. A truly real nihonto to delight both new and experienced collectors.

All my swords are originals, imported from japan and Europe during many years of collection.

All bids are binding, if you are not interested don't let other bidders miss the opportunity. Winning the auction and not paying for the item blocks you from bidding on catawiki on any auction forever, keep this in mind before bidding.

Please see my other samurai swords and items clicking on my seller name. Combine shipping avaliable.


Nagasa: 65.4 cm. Sori: 1.4 cm.
Moto-haba: 3.2 cm. Saki-haba: 2.3 cm.
Moto-gasane: 0.7 cm. Saki-gasane: 0.5 cm.

Sælger's Historie

Hos Supein Nihonto stræber vi efter at tilbyde dig autentiske samurai-stykker af højeste kvalitet til priser langt under konkurrenterne gennem vanedannende lidenskab og konstant indsats. Vores mål er at tilbyde samurai våben og rustninger til næsten ethvert budget med et uovertruffent forhold mellem pris og kvalitet. Med konstante rejser til Japan, en stor daglig indsats og et godt omdømme blandt de vigtigste distributører i Japan, der giver os mulighed for at besøge steder, hvor de fleste europæere er forbudt, kan vi få det bedste fra begge verdener: Hurtig levering, ægte og førsteklasses varer og priser, du kun kan finde med et godt ry blandt industrien og japanske leverandører og tættere venner. Find os på Supein Nihonto-webstedet for mere information, varer og blog.
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Nihonto katana-sværd i antik Edo koshirae Signeret: "Saijo~ ju~ Nyu~do~ saku" og dateret 1937 -
Samlet længde
100 cm
Anslået periode

169 anmeldelser (117 de sidste 12 måneder)
  1. 103
  2. 14
  3. 0

169 anmeldelser (117 de sidste 12 måneder)
  1. 103
  2. 14
  3. 0


Denne varebeskrivelse er udelukkende med henblik på information. Visningen af genstanden i denne varebeskrivelse, indikerer ikke at den er blevet fysisk undersøgt af Catawiki, med henblik på sikkerhed eller funktionsdygtighed. Ydermere, tolererer Catawiki ikke nogen som helst form for ulovlig aktivitet, og bærer intet ansvar for nogen som helst form for ødelæggelse eller skade, forårsaget bevidst eller ubevidst, ved udbredelsen af denne information, eller brugen af genstanden beskrevet heri. Salg, køb, transport og besiddelse af våben, er underlagt nationale love og regulationer. Sikre dig venligst, at du er bekendt med lovene og regulationerne i dit land, før du byder på varen. Salg af våben til personer under 18 år, er forbudt. Ved at lægge et bud på denne vare, erklærer du, at du er 18 år eller ældre og at du på lovlig vis har tilladelse til at købe denne vare i dit land.

Denne varebeskrivelse er udelukkende med henblik på information. Visningen af genstanden i denne varebeskrivelse, indikerer ikke at den er blevet fysisk undersøgt af Catawiki, med henblik på sikkerhed eller funktionsdygtighed. Ydermere, tolererer Catawiki ikke nogen som helst form for ulovlig aktivitet, og bærer intet ansvar for nogen som helst form for ødelæggelse eller skade, forårsaget bevidst eller ubevidst, ved udbredelsen af denne information, eller brugen af genstanden beskrevet heri. Salg, køb, transport og besiddelse af våben, er underlagt nationale love og regulationer. Sikre dig venligst, at du er bekendt med lovene og regulationerne i dit land, før du byder på varen. Salg af våben til personer under 18 år, er forbudt. Ved at lægge et bud på denne vare, erklærer du, at du er 18 år eller ældre og at du på lovlig vis har tilladelse til at købe denne vare i dit land.