
Greek, Gnathia, 4th Century BC


DIMENSIONS: Height 19.5 cm

PROVENANCE: Swiss private collection since the end of the 1960s. Report made on 02/23/1981.

CONDITION: Good condition, intact.


A Gnathian tall blackware trefoil lip oinochoe with bulbous body, waisted neck, pedestal base, pinched rim and strap handle to the rear; the neck and shoulder decorated with bands of ovolo and vineleaf ornaments.

This is a typical piece of ceramic ware that can easily be related to the so-called “Gnathian” production, and more precisely to the ancient town of Egnazia, on the coast of modern day Puglia (the designation is inappropriate and dates to the 19th century). Such vessels were produced in southern Italy for some one hundred years, from the mid-fourth century BC until late in the following century. With their glossy black glaze, and the frequent presence of gadroons, they tend to imitate metal ware. The decorative patterns (figural, vegetal and most often geometric) were applied to the black painted surface and highlighted in white, brownish/gold yellow and, more rarely, purple – as beautifully exemplified here.

- The piece includes authenticity certificate.
- The piece includes Spanish Export License (Passport for European Union).
- The seller guarantees that he acquired this piece according to all national and international laws related to the ownership of cultural property. Provenance statement seen by Catawiki.

Sælger's Historie

Gallery of Ancient Art - Arkæologi baseret i Barcelona med mere end femten års erfaring. Specialiseret i klassisk kunst, egyptisk kunst, asiatisk kunst og præcolumbiansk kunst. Det garanterer ægtheden af alle dens stykker. Det deltager i de vigtigste kunstmesser i Spanien, såsom Feriarte, samt på messer i udlandet, BRAFA, Parcours des Mondes, Cultures Brussels. Alle stykkerne sendes med en eksporttilladelse udstedt af det spanske kulturministerium. Vi er hurtige til at sende via DHL Express eller Direct Art Transport.
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Greek, Gnathia, 4th Century BC


DIMENSIONS: Height 19.5 cm

PROVENANCE: Swiss private collection since the end of the 1960s. Report made on 02/23/1981.

CONDITION: Good condition, intact.


A Gnathian tall blackware trefoil lip oinochoe with bulbous body, waisted neck, pedestal base, pinched rim and strap handle to the rear; the neck and shoulder decorated with bands of ovolo and vineleaf ornaments.

This is a typical piece of ceramic ware that can easily be related to the so-called “Gnathian” production, and more precisely to the ancient town of Egnazia, on the coast of modern day Puglia (the designation is inappropriate and dates to the 19th century). Such vessels were produced in southern Italy for some one hundred years, from the mid-fourth century BC until late in the following century. With their glossy black glaze, and the frequent presence of gadroons, they tend to imitate metal ware. The decorative patterns (figural, vegetal and most often geometric) were applied to the black painted surface and highlighted in white, brownish/gold yellow and, more rarely, purple – as beautifully exemplified here.

- The piece includes authenticity certificate.
- The piece includes Spanish Export License (Passport for European Union).
- The seller guarantees that he acquired this piece according to all national and international laws related to the ownership of cultural property. Provenance statement seen by Catawiki.

Sælger's Historie

Gallery of Ancient Art - Arkæologi baseret i Barcelona med mere end femten års erfaring. Specialiseret i klassisk kunst, egyptisk kunst, asiatisk kunst og præcolumbiansk kunst. Det garanterer ægtheden af alle dens stykker. Det deltager i de vigtigste kunstmesser i Spanien, såsom Feriarte, samt på messer i udlandet, BRAFA, Parcours des Mondes, Cultures Brussels. Alle stykkerne sendes med en eksporttilladelse udstedt af det spanske kulturministerium. Vi er hurtige til at sende via DHL Express eller Direct Art Transport.
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Oldtidens Grækenland
Name of object
Gnathia. Pelike. 4. århundrede f.Kr. 19,5 H. Dejligt. Spansk eksportlicens.
Århundrede/ Tidsramme
4th century BC
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2067 anmeldelser (748 de sidste 12 måneder)
  1. 742
  2. 6
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2067 anmeldelser (748 de sidste 12 måneder)
  1. 742
  2. 6
  3. 0


Sælger garanterer og kan bevise, at genstanden er erhvervet på lovlig vis. Sælger er blevet informeret af Catawiki om, at skulle fremskaffe den dokumentation, der kræves af love og regler i dennes bopælsland. Sælger garanterer at være berettiget til, at måtte sælge/eksportere denne genstand. Sælger sørger for, at al information vedrørende proveniensen af en genstand vil blive videregivet til køber. Sælger sørger for, at eventuelle nødvendige tilladelser er blevet eller vil blive indhentet. Sælger vil omgående informere køber om eventuelle forsinkelser i forbindelse med indhentelse af sådanne tilladelser.

Sælger garanterer og kan bevise, at genstanden er erhvervet på lovlig vis. Sælger er blevet informeret af Catawiki om, at skulle fremskaffe den dokumentation, der kræves af love og regler i dennes bopælsland. Sælger garanterer at være berettiget til, at måtte sælge/eksportere denne genstand. Sælger sørger for, at al information vedrørende proveniensen af en genstand vil blive videregivet til køber. Sælger sørger for, at eventuelle nødvendige tilladelser er blevet eller vil blive indhentet. Sælger vil omgående informere køber om eventuelle forsinkelser i forbindelse med indhentelse af sådanne tilladelser.