The origin stories of Jewellery, brought to you by Valentina Arceci

Valentina Arceci #1.1
Valentina Arceci #1.2
Valentina Arceci #1.3

Seeing a gemstone through a microscope reveals the layered history of its formation. It’s a beautiful discovery, every time.

On any given afternoon in 1990s Italy, you could find Valentina on the beach, looking for rocks and minerals. Once she discovered this childhood hobby could actually become her profession, she followed her bliss from the shorelines to the laboratory. Valentina pursued Geology and obtained her bachelor’s in Earth Sciences. Challenged by the immense costs of gemology programs, she immersed herself in uncovering the secrets of minerals. But she couldn’t stop thinking about her greatest passion: gemstones. She managed to win a scholarship, and graduated at the Istituto Gemmologico Italiano – later followed by an additional certification as Applied Jewelry Professional at the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). From endless research to lab experience, and from minerals to diamonds – Valentina masters every facet of the gemstone and jewellery world. Explore her exciting auctions in our Jewellery and Gemstones categories.

On any given afternoon in 1990s Italy, you could find Valentina on the beach, looking for rocks and minerals. Once she discovered this childhood hobby could actually become her profession, she followed her bliss from the shorelines to the laboratory. Valentina pursued Geology and obtained her bachelor’s in Earth Sciences. Challenged by the immense costs of gemology programs, she immersed herself in uncovering the secrets of minerals. But she couldn’t stop thinking about her greatest passion: gemstones. She managed to win a scholarship, and graduated at the Istituto Gemmologico Italiano – later followed by an additional certification as Applied Jewelry Professional at the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). From endless research to lab experience, and from minerals to diamonds – Valentina masters every facet of the gemstone and jewellery world. Explore her exciting auctions in our Jewellery and Gemstones categories.

  • Specialises in gemstones
  • Geology & Earth Sciences graduate
  • Istituto Gemmologico Italiano (IGI) graduate
  • GIA Applied Jewelry Professional certification
Valentina Arceci #2.1Valentina Arceci #2.2

On any given afternoon in 1990s Italy, you could find Valentina on the beach, looking for rocks and minerals. Once she discovered this childhood hobby could actually become her profession, she followed her bliss from the shorelines to the laboratory. Valentina pursued Geology and obtained her bachelor’s in Earth Sciences. Challenged by the immense costs of gemology programs, she immersed herself in uncovering the secrets of minerals. But she couldn’t stop thinking about her greatest passion: gemstones. She managed to win a scholarship, and graduated at the Istituto Gemmologico Italiano – later followed by an additional certification as Applied Jewelry Professional at the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). From endless research to lab experience, and from minerals to diamonds – Valentina masters every facet of the gemstone and jewellery world. Explore her exciting auctions in our Jewellery and Gemstones categories.

On any given afternoon in 1990s Italy, you could find Valentina on the beach, looking for rocks and minerals. Once she discovered this childhood hobby could actually become her profession, she followed her bliss from the shorelines to the laboratory. Valentina pursued Geology and obtained her bachelor’s in Earth Sciences. Challenged by the immense costs of gemology programs, she immersed herself in uncovering the secrets of minerals. But she couldn’t stop thinking about her greatest passion: gemstones. She managed to win a scholarship, and graduated at the Istituto Gemmologico Italiano – later followed by an additional certification as Applied Jewelry Professional at the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). From endless research to lab experience, and from minerals to diamonds – Valentina masters every facet of the gemstone and jewellery world. Explore her exciting auctions in our Jewellery and Gemstones categories.

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