Terms and Policies
What DAC7 means for you

From 1 January 2023, we are required to comply with the DAC7 EU Directive. 

DAC7 is a directive aimed at strengthening administrative cooperation among EU Member States. It involves collecting and reporting specific info about sellers to tax authorities. 

We always process this info securely and according to our Data Protection & Privacy Notice.

Who DAC7 affects

DAC7 affects private and professional sellers who meet both of the following criteria:

  1. Live in an EU member state.
  2. Have sold 30 or more special objects, or generated a total revenue of over €2,000 on our online marketplace in a calendar year.

For sellers who registered on Catawiki before 1 January 2023, this reporting obligation applies for the first time on 31 January 2025 and only for objects sold in the year 2024.

What you need to do

If you meet the criteria for DAC7, we’ll email you and show a notification when you sign in to your Catawiki account. 

You’ll have added most of the necessary info when you create your account or get verified as a seller, so we’ll let you know which info is still missing. Follow the prompts to add the missing DAC7 info.

All info needed for DAC7 includes:

Private sellers:

  1. First and last name
  2. Residency address
  3. Tax identification number (TIN) or place and country of birth, if you don’t have a TIN
  4. Date of birth

Professional sellers:

  1. Legal company name
  2. Registered business address
  3. Tax identification number (TIN)
  4. Value added tax (VAT) number
  5. Business registration number
  6. Existence of a permanent establishment (PE) in the EU

All sellers:

  1. Bank account number
  2. Revenue from buyers
  3. Seller commission
  4. Taxes (withheld or charged), if applicable
  5. Number of objects sold

You’ll need to add the info within 60 days of us asking for it. We’ll remind you 3 times before the 60 days are up. 

If you don’t add the info within the 60 days, we may temporarily block your account. We’ll unblock it as soon as you add the necessary info.

We’ll check the info you provide against the info we already have. If anything doesn’t match or we have questions, we’ll contact you.

Since we’re headquartered in the Netherlands, we securely share the DAC7 info with the Dutch tax authority. They’ll pass the info on to your country’s tax authority. We’ll always let you know when we share this info and what info we’ve shared. 

How to find your shared sales information

You can find the shared 2024 sales information by exporting data from the Payments page:

  1. Go to the Payments page
  2. Change the date range to ‘last year’ and click confirm
  3. Select ‘Export data’
  4. Open the file in your preferred spreadsheet software
  5. Filter out the cancelled orders in column M, ‘Order status’ 
  6. Find the sum of column AK, ‘Payment’ (select the column and check the bottom of your window)

For even more details on how DAC7 works, refer to our DAC7 FAQs.

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