Ford Cortina Four door TD2F de 1965 parcialmente restaurado.

Este Ford foi originalmente vendido em Portugal e ainda mantém a sua matrícula original. Uma restauração completa e profunda foi iniciada em 2013, mas nunca chegou ao fim. Como pode ser visto nas fotos a carroceria já estava totalmente restaurada, portanto seria um projeto de fácil execução. Não tinha sinais de qualquer acidente. 3 Proprietários desde novo.

O motor tem o carburador mas está desmontado dentro da carroçaria. Talvez precise duma afinação atendendo estar parado à muito tempo (motor).

O restauro da carroçaria foi totalmente concluído, pelo que já está feito um dos capítulos tradicionalmente mais difíceis de um restauro. Carroçaria em ótimo estado de chapa e pintura. As peças que faltam montar estão todas no carro (vidros, borrachas etc.)

Não tem bancos nem forras das portas porque se queimaram.

O carro está em Vila Nova de Famalicão - Portugal.

Ford Cortina Four door TD2F de 1965 parcialmente restaurado.

Este Ford foi originalmente vendido em Portugal e ainda mantém a sua matrícula original. Uma restauração completa e profunda foi iniciada em 2013, mas nunca chegou ao fim. Como pode ser visto nas fotos a carroceria já estava totalmente restaurada, portanto seria um projeto de fácil execução. Não tinha sinais de qualquer acidente. 3 Proprietários desde novo.

O motor tem o carburador mas está desmontado dentro da carroçaria. Talvez precise duma afinação atendendo estar parado à muito tempo (motor).

O restauro da carroçaria foi totalmente concluído, pelo que já está feito um dos capítulos tradicionalmente mais difíceis de um restauro. Carroçaria em ótimo estado de chapa e pintura. As peças que faltam montar estão todas no carro (vidros, borrachas etc.)

Não tem bancos nem forras das portas porque se queimaram.

O carro está em Vila Nova de Famalicão - Portugal.

Model Type
Cortina Four door TD2F
Located in
Mileage reading
18453 km
Registration papers
with Portuguese registration
Horse Power
Cubic capacity
Matching numbers
Matching colours
Service book/history
Valid MOT
Engine number
113E 17019
Chassis number
Condition (Paint & body)
2 - Very Good: minor chips or scratches, minor conventional body and paintwork
Condition (Interior)
5 - Needs Restoration: may have sustained major damage, parts can be missing
Condition (Frame & underbody)
2 - Very Good: frame/structure is in a well preserved condition, minor signs of usage/wear
Condition (Mechanical)
3 - Good: mechanically sound. May require maintenance and repair
Condition (Overall)
4 - Fine condition: May require mechanic and cosmetic work


Catawiki always aims to offer you the best possible buying experience. Our experts virtually review and select every vehicle in line with our submission guidelines and we require our sellers to provide the most accurate description of the vehicle. However, providing a fully detailed analysis of the vehicle is extremely difficult, and close to impossible. To guide you, we ask our sellers to provide information about the vehicle’s condition. Please consider that most vehicles for sale are classic vehicles and they often already have a whole life behind them, meaning that even a condition 1 or 2 vehicle might need maintenance to be ready for the road. It is advised to carefully read our submission guidelines that further describe details about the condition grades and types to manage your expectations. Cars are sold “as is”, meaning as described and in the condition they are in at the time of the sale and without any representation, warranty or assumption of liability of any kind as to the condition by Catawiki or by the seller. The condition of this item is the opinion of the seller and may differ from yours, your local garage, or the dealer’s opinion. This does not automatically mean the car does not conform to its description. Before bidding, please check your local legislation regarding vehicle registration. Neither the seller nor Catawiki is responsible for the registration of the vehicle in your country and will not accept a cancellation for your failure to register the vehicle. We also recommend that, if possible, you arrange a viewing with the seller before placing a bid.

Catawiki always aims to offer you the best possible buying experience. Our experts virtually review and select every vehicle in line with our submission guidelines and we require our sellers to provide the most accurate description of the vehicle. However, providing a fully detailed analysis of the vehicle is extremely difficult, and close to impossible. To guide you, we ask our sellers to provide information about the vehicle’s condition. Please consider that most vehicles for sale are classic vehicles and they often already have a whole life behind them, meaning that even a condition 1 or 2 vehicle might need maintenance to be ready for the road. It is advised to carefully read our submission guidelines that further describe details about the condition grades and types to manage your expectations. Cars are sold “as is”, meaning as described and in the condition they are in at the time of the sale and without any representation, warranty or assumption of liability of any kind as to the condition by Catawiki or by the seller. The condition of this item is the opinion of the seller and may differ from yours, your local garage, or the dealer’s opinion. This does not automatically mean the car does not conform to its description. Before bidding, please check your local legislation regarding vehicle registration. Neither the seller nor Catawiki is responsible for the registration of the vehicle in your country and will not accept a cancellation for your failure to register the vehicle. We also recommend that, if possible, you arrange a viewing with the seller before placing a bid.