150 year old Louis Vuitton trunk discovered in the South of France to be auctioned amidst online resale market boom

  • From April 26, a Louis Vuitton trunk dating between 1889 and 1896 will be auctioned on Catawiki, the leading online marketplace for special items

  • The trunk, used as a side table, under a tablecloth for many years, turned out to be a rare Louis Vuitton trunk

  • Louis Vuitton ranks first among fashion brands on Catawiki, with sales increasing almost 40% in the past year

Paris, April 23, 2024 - With the second-hand luxury market booming, a Louis Vuitton trunk, recently discovered in the South of France and dating from the late 19th century, will be auctioned on Catawiki, the leading online platform for special objects, with an estimated price of 45,000 - 55,000 euros. 

In 2022, Chloé Panissier made an unexpected discovery in her mother-in-law's house. It was a trunk from Louis Vuitton, acquired in the 19th century by her husband's great-grandfather, a frequent traveller, who used it for trips to Africa. For over 100 years, the trunk has been located in a small village near Montpelier in the South of France. This trunk, for a long time covered with a tablecloth and used as a side table, turned out to be an authentic Zink Explorer, with its period canvas interior with red and white stripes, perfectly preserved.

Zink Explorer trunks, suitable for overseas travel in their time, thanks to the material which protected the contents from humid environments and pests, were typically used for long journeys hence their name. The distinctive red and white striped pattern on the interior was first introduced by Louis Vuitton, in response to counterfeits.

For some, travelling with Louis Vuitton luggage and leather goods is the ultimate symbol of sophistication and luxury, whether for far-flung adventures or daily commutes. For others, these vintage pieces have become real must-haves for decorating their interior. In a perpetual quest for renewal, today's designers are looking to reinterpret the original codes of their Houses. Recently, Louis Vuitton released a new rolling trunk, reimagined by creative director Pharrell Williams, which recalls the original trunks, with reinforced corners, wooden slates and rectilinear lines.

In recent years, not only has the resale of luxury goods online has exploded, but its widespread growth has changed the way people shop. Looking specifically at Louis Vuitton, Catawiki revealed that Louis Vuitton ranks as the number one fashion brand on Catawiki, with 40% year-on-year growth and more than 3.5 million searches in 2023 on the marketplace. Fleur Feijen, senior fashion expert at Catawiki, said: "Much more than a simple travel accessory, this Louis Vuitton trunk embodies the essence of timeless luxury and in my opinion, a superb piece of craftsmanship. It is the testimony of an elegant and refined art of living, while offering exceptional functionality. For a seasoned buyer, this iconic piece can be much more than a collectible, it becomes the symbol of a legacy of style, an invitation to explore the world with sophistication.”

The Louis Vuitton trunk will be auctioned on Catawiki from 12.00PM, Friday April 26 until 8.00PM, Sunday 5 May.


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