Dalí at 120: Rare Dalí Pieces at Auction Following Anniversary

On the 120th anniversary of Salvador Dalí’s birth, Catawiki has released new figures about the surrealist artist ahead of an exclusive Dalí collection

Sales of Dalí artworks on Catawiki have grown over 30% in the past year and ranks within the top five best selling artists on the platform

AMSTERDAM, 8 May 2024 - Celebrating 120 years since the birth of Salvador Dalí, Catawiki, the leading online marketplace for special objects, is unveiling an exclusive collection to commemorate the legendary artist and the legacy he left behind. 

Salvador Dalí, born in Figueres, Catalonia in 1889, was one of the most important painters of the Surrealist movement. Profoundly surrealist, and perhaps the most audacious of them all, Dalí’s work converges imagination, dreams, fantasy and the impossible. According to Catawiki Art Expert Beatriz Valdivieso, “no one has succeeded in surpassing the world he had shaped, Dalí’s paintings are fascinating and he has a fundamental place in popular culture.”

To celebrate the anniversary, Catawiki is launching a special collection this Friday, made up of original Dalí pieces, signed objects and Dalí inspired items. Highlights of the collection include:

Signed 1952 Watercolour, Divine Comédie: Dante et Béatrice

Estimate: €48,000-€55,000


The signed Dante and Beatrice from Dalí’s Series "The Divine Comedy" illustrates the Medieval poem of the "Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri. Between 1951 and 1960, Dalí was invited by the Italian government to commemorate the birth of Dante Alighieri, Italy’s most famous poet, by producing a series of illustrations of Dante’s masterpiece, the "Divine Comedy". Subsequently, Dalí painted 100 watercolours in preparation for the publication of the “Divine Comedy.” 

Original pencil drawing, Etude nu Féminin du Face, 1963

Estimate: €20,000-€25,000


In 1978, John Peter Moore, a former British Army captain, opened the Perrot-Moore Museum in Cadaqués together with his wife, Catherine Perrot. Here Moore, former personal secretary to Dalí, showcased his collection of Dalís to the public. Some were gifts from the artist, others he had acquired through dealers, collectors or auctions. Most pieces exhibited, including this original pencil drawing titled “Etude nu Féminin du Face” from 1963, were stamped with the Museum stamp.

Salvador Dali (1904-1989) - Moise et le Monothéisme

Estimate: € 25.000 - € 30.000


From 1922, while studying at the student residence in Madrid, Dalí worked with Garcia Lorca and Luis Buñuel on the study of Freudian psychoanalytic texts. From then, his paintings were heavily influenced by psychoanalytic themes and Dalí finally met Freud in his London home in 1938. In 1975, Dalí went on to illustrate one of Freud’s works, The Man Moses and the Monotheistic Religion. The complete portfolio, comprising ten original signed engravings, are colour lithographs printed on lambskin and bound in an embossed silver box case. 

Not only does this commemorate the artist, it is also a response to demand for Dalí on the marketplace. Sales of Dalí originals and inspired pieces grew over 30% in the past year and he ranks within the top five best selling artists on the platform. Late last year, a 1971 Soft Hanging Watch 2023 sold on Catawiki for €7,500. The highlight of past Dalí lots are a towering 135cm La Grande Menorah sold for €71,119Saint George and the Dragon, €8,000 and a Surrealist Piano for €12,000


Left to right: La Grande Menorah, 1971 Soft Hanging Watch, Surrealist Piano, Saint George and the Dragon 

Valdivieso added, “Dalí’s popularity remains because of his enormous ability to transpose the real world and create a world of fantasy. And with people spending so much time at home in recent years, especially in the wake of the pandemic, the importance of selecting unique pieces of art with character and history has become more significant than ever before.” 

The collection will be live on Catawiki from Friday 10 May 2024 at 10:00 UTC until Sunday 19 May 2024 at 18:01 UTC.


Editor's Notes

Images can be downloaded here

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