Locality: Baltic Sea, Lithuania
Specimen: Aculeata, Formicidae (Ant)
Strata Layer: Eocene
Size (mm): 23x9x4

Fossil inclusions in amber are the most spectacularly preserved fossils in the entire fossil record. Only rarely in the fossil record you will occasionally have soft tissue preservation. However, in amber the preservation is so extraordinary you can sometimes see every facet of the insects eye. There is an enormous degree of biodiversity preserved, providing a glimpse into past ecosystems. Amber truly is a window into the past.

My amber inclusions are obtained from reliable sources and come from localities around the world. Every piece is guaranteed genuine.

Myyjän tarina

Tarjoamme mielenkiintoisia esineitä ympäri maailmaa erikoistuen jalokiviin, kultahippuihin ja meripihkan fossiilisiin sulkeumiin.
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Locality: Baltic Sea, Lithuania
Specimen: Aculeata, Formicidae (Ant)
Strata Layer: Eocene
Size (mm): 23x9x4

Fossil inclusions in amber are the most spectacularly preserved fossils in the entire fossil record. Only rarely in the fossil record you will occasionally have soft tissue preservation. However, in amber the preservation is so extraordinary you can sometimes see every facet of the insects eye. There is an enormous degree of biodiversity preserved, providing a glimpse into past ecosystems. Amber truly is a window into the past.

My amber inclusions are obtained from reliable sources and come from localities around the world. Every piece is guaranteed genuine.

Myyjän tarina

Tarjoamme mielenkiintoisia esineitä ympäri maailmaa erikoistuen jalokiviin, kultahippuihin ja meripihkan fossiilisiin sulkeumiin.
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Esineiden lukumäärä
Baltian meripihka yksityiskohtaisella muurahaisella
Tieteellinen nimi
Aculeata, Formicidae
Baltian valtiot
Geologinen kausi
Paleogeenikausi, eoseenikausi (56.33-9,0 miljoonaa vuotta)

975 palautetta (224 viimeiseltä 12 kuukaudelta)
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975 palautetta (224 viimeiseltä 12 kuukaudelta)
  1. 214
  2. 10
  3. 0