Maternity Figure

CULTURE: Colima, Western Mexico

PERIOD: 200 BC - 500 AD

MATERIAL: Terracotta


PROVENANCE: Private collection, West Olive, United States of America.

CONDITION: Good condition.


The Colima people lived in northwest Mexico, in a rugged, low-lying coastal region carved by valleys, each with its own ecology and a warm, humid climate.

Little is known about their modes of subsistence, as most of the information we have comes from artifacts from private collections and from the excavation of cemeteries, not residential sites, which usually provide this kind of information. We do know that they practiced irrigation farming, which allowed them to live in large groups in relatively independent villages and urban centers.

Colima ceramics display a wide variety of figures and shapes, but little variation in technique. Most pieces have a burnished red finish and some are decorated with orange or white incisions. Molded figures are common, especially of plants, animals (especially dogs) and seashells. Human representations typically feature dwarfs and hunchbacks more than others, and few female forms. Many of these figures have “coffee-bean” eyes and are dressed in finely detailed traditional attire. Little is known of Colima stonework; only a few pieces such as mace heads, small masks and figurines have been found. These people also practiced basketweaving and weaving, and used metallurgy to make objects such as needles, axes, rattles, nose rings and ear ornaments.

Little is known about the Colima’s social order, but shamans or priests may have occupied positions of social importance. The existence of figurines resembling warriors as well as prisoners with hands tied points to the ceremonial importance of war in this pre-Columbian society.

The vast majority of ceramic pieces that have been ascribed to this culture are grave goods found in the tombs of individuals of high social rank. The Colima buried their dead in family tombs up to 30 meters deep, some with multiple chambers. The bodies were accompanied by a wide variety of grave goods, including ceramic statuettes of armed men, which served as symbolic guardians. Ceramic sculptures of dogs were another common grave good, and were believed to be the emissaries of Xolotl, the god of death.

The history of the Colima people is not well known, but, like many Mesoamerican cultures, the Colima displayed some stylistic elements that links them with the ancient Olmecs.

- The piece includes authenticity certificate.
- The piece includes Spanish Export License.
- The seller guarantees that he acquired this piece according to all national and international laws related to the ownership of cultural property. Provenance statement seen by Catawiki.

Myyjän tarina

Muinaisen taiteen galleria - Barcelonassa sijaitseva arkeologia yli viidentoista vuoden kokemuksella. Erikoistunut klassiseen taiteeseen, egyptiläiseen taiteeseen, aasialaiseen taiteeseen ja esikolumbiaaniseen taiteeseen. Se takaa kaikkien osien aitouden. Se osallistuu Espanjan tärkeimmille taidemessuille, kuten Feriartelle, sekä ulkomaisille messuille, BRAFA, Parcours des Mondes, Cultures Brussels. Kaikki kappaleet lähetetään Espanjan kulttuuriministeriön myöntämällä vientiluvalla. Toimitamme nopeasti DHL Expressin tai Direct Art Transportin kautta.
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Maternity Figure

CULTURE: Colima, Western Mexico

PERIOD: 200 BC - 500 AD

MATERIAL: Terracotta


PROVENANCE: Private collection, West Olive, United States of America.

CONDITION: Good condition.


The Colima people lived in northwest Mexico, in a rugged, low-lying coastal region carved by valleys, each with its own ecology and a warm, humid climate.

Little is known about their modes of subsistence, as most of the information we have comes from artifacts from private collections and from the excavation of cemeteries, not residential sites, which usually provide this kind of information. We do know that they practiced irrigation farming, which allowed them to live in large groups in relatively independent villages and urban centers.

Colima ceramics display a wide variety of figures and shapes, but little variation in technique. Most pieces have a burnished red finish and some are decorated with orange or white incisions. Molded figures are common, especially of plants, animals (especially dogs) and seashells. Human representations typically feature dwarfs and hunchbacks more than others, and few female forms. Many of these figures have “coffee-bean” eyes and are dressed in finely detailed traditional attire. Little is known of Colima stonework; only a few pieces such as mace heads, small masks and figurines have been found. These people also practiced basketweaving and weaving, and used metallurgy to make objects such as needles, axes, rattles, nose rings and ear ornaments.

Little is known about the Colima’s social order, but shamans or priests may have occupied positions of social importance. The existence of figurines resembling warriors as well as prisoners with hands tied points to the ceremonial importance of war in this pre-Columbian society.

The vast majority of ceramic pieces that have been ascribed to this culture are grave goods found in the tombs of individuals of high social rank. The Colima buried their dead in family tombs up to 30 meters deep, some with multiple chambers. The bodies were accompanied by a wide variety of grave goods, including ceramic statuettes of armed men, which served as symbolic guardians. Ceramic sculptures of dogs were another common grave good, and were believed to be the emissaries of Xolotl, the god of death.

The history of the Colima people is not well known, but, like many Mesoamerican cultures, the Colima displayed some stylistic elements that links them with the ancient Olmecs.

- The piece includes authenticity certificate.
- The piece includes Spanish Export License.
- The seller guarantees that he acquired this piece according to all national and international laws related to the ownership of cultural property. Provenance statement seen by Catawiki.

Myyjän tarina

Muinaisen taiteen galleria - Barcelonassa sijaitseva arkeologia yli viidentoista vuoden kokemuksella. Erikoistunut klassiseen taiteeseen, egyptiläiseen taiteeseen, aasialaiseen taiteeseen ja esikolumbiaaniseen taiteeseen. Se takaa kaikkien osien aitouden. Se osallistuu Espanjan tärkeimmille taidemessuille, kuten Feriartelle, sekä ulkomaisille messuille, BRAFA, Parcours des Mondes, Cultures Brussels. Kaikki kappaleet lähetetään Espanjan kulttuuriministeriön myöntämällä vientiluvalla. Toimitamme nopeasti DHL Expressin tai Direct Art Transportin kautta.
Kääntänyt Google Translate
Colima, Länsi-Meksiko
Name of object
Äitiyskuva. 200 eaa - 500 jKr. 13 cm H. Espanjan tuontilupa.
Vuosisata / Ajanjakso
200 BC - 500 AD

2032 palautetta (753 viimeiseltä 12 kuukaudelta)
  1. 747
  2. 6
  3. 0

2032 palautetta (753 viimeiseltä 12 kuukaudelta)
  1. 747
  2. 6
  3. 0


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Myyjä vakuuttaa ja voi todistaa, että esine on hankittu laillisesti. Catawiki on informoinut myyjää asiakirjoista, jotka hänen täytyy hankkia maansa lakien ja säännösten velvoittamana. Myyjä vakuuttaa olevansa oikeutettu esineen myymiseen/maasta vientiin. Myyjä antaa ostajalle kaikki esineen saatavilla olevat provenienssitiedot. Myyjä vakuuttaa omaavansa/hankkivansa kaikki tarvittavat luvat. Myyjä ilmoittaa ostajalle pikimmiten mahdollisista lupien viivästyksistä.