
Ancient Egypt, Late Period, 664 - 332 BC


9 cm height.

Condition: Good condition.

Provenance: Private collection, Somerset, United Kingdom. 1960 - 1980.


Harpocrates, or Horus child, is a native of Heliopolis, as the son of Isis and Osiris. He was revered in many other temples, as at Edfu, Thebes, Copts, Mendes, in which he was adored taken with other forms of Horus. Harpocrates is the living symbol of the sunshine at the arrival of spring. He was born after the death of his father Osiris. He is represented as a weak child, who had to be hidden by his mother, the goddess Isis, in the marshes of the Nile Delta, to protect it from the evil Seth, his father's brother. But just as the weak morning sun becomes a powerful sun, the child becomes the strong god Horus in order to revenge the death of his father, by fighting Seth. This is how his mother, Isis, made him the great Horus to rule over men and gods.


- The piece includes authenticity certificate.
- The piece includes Spanish Export License (Passport for European Union) - If the piece is destined outside the European Union a substitution of the export permit should be requested, can take between 1-2 weeks maximum.
- The seller guarantees that he acquired this piece according to all national and international laws related to the ownership of cultural property. Provenance statement seen by Catawiki.

Myyjän tarina

Muinaisen taiteen galleria - Barcelonassa sijaitseva arkeologia yli viidentoista vuoden kokemuksella. Erikoistunut klassiseen taiteeseen, egyptiläiseen taiteeseen, aasialaiseen taiteeseen ja esikolumbiaaniseen taiteeseen. Se takaa kaikkien osien aitouden. Se osallistuu Espanjan tärkeimmille taidemessuille, kuten Feriartelle, sekä ulkomaisille messuille, BRAFA, Parcours des Mondes, Cultures Brussels. Kaikki kappaleet lähetetään Espanjan kulttuuriministeriön myöntämällä vientiluvalla. Toimitamme nopeasti DHL Expressin tai Direct Art Transportin kautta.
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Ancient Egypt, Late Period, 664 - 332 BC


9 cm height.

Condition: Good condition.

Provenance: Private collection, Somerset, United Kingdom. 1960 - 1980.


Harpocrates, or Horus child, is a native of Heliopolis, as the son of Isis and Osiris. He was revered in many other temples, as at Edfu, Thebes, Copts, Mendes, in which he was adored taken with other forms of Horus. Harpocrates is the living symbol of the sunshine at the arrival of spring. He was born after the death of his father Osiris. He is represented as a weak child, who had to be hidden by his mother, the goddess Isis, in the marshes of the Nile Delta, to protect it from the evil Seth, his father's brother. But just as the weak morning sun becomes a powerful sun, the child becomes the strong god Horus in order to revenge the death of his father, by fighting Seth. This is how his mother, Isis, made him the great Horus to rule over men and gods.


- The piece includes authenticity certificate.
- The piece includes Spanish Export License (Passport for European Union) - If the piece is destined outside the European Union a substitution of the export permit should be requested, can take between 1-2 weeks maximum.
- The seller guarantees that he acquired this piece according to all national and international laws related to the ownership of cultural property. Provenance statement seen by Catawiki.

Myyjän tarina

Muinaisen taiteen galleria - Barcelonassa sijaitseva arkeologia yli viidentoista vuoden kokemuksella. Erikoistunut klassiseen taiteeseen, egyptiläiseen taiteeseen, aasialaiseen taiteeseen ja esikolumbiaaniseen taiteeseen. Se takaa kaikkien osien aitouden. Se osallistuu Espanjan tärkeimmille taidemessuille, kuten Feriartelle, sekä ulkomaisille messuille, BRAFA, Parcours des Mondes, Cultures Brussels. Kaikki kappaleet lähetetään Espanjan kulttuuriministeriön myöntämällä vientiluvalla. Toimitamme nopeasti DHL Expressin tai Direct Art Transportin kautta.
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Muinainen Egypti
Name of object
Harpokrates. Myöhäinen ajanjakso, 664 - 332 eaa. 9 cm korkeus.
Vuosisata / Ajanjakso
Late Period, 664 - 332 BC

2058 palautetta (747 viimeiseltä 12 kuukaudelta)
  1. 741
  2. 6
  3. 0

2058 palautetta (747 viimeiseltä 12 kuukaudelta)
  1. 741
  2. 6
  3. 0


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Myyjä vakuuttaa ja voi todistaa, että esine on hankittu laillisesti. Catawiki on informoinut myyjää asiakirjoista, jotka hänen täytyy hankkia maansa lakien ja säännösten velvoittamana. Myyjä vakuuttaa olevansa oikeutettu esineen myymiseen/maasta vientiin. Myyjä antaa ostajalle kaikki esineen saatavilla olevat provenienssitiedot. Myyjä vakuuttaa omaavansa/hankkivansa kaikki tarvittavat luvat. Myyjä ilmoittaa ostajalle pikimmiten mahdollisista lupien viivästyksistä.