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Making special objects available to everybody through online auctions
300 weekly auctions
Catawiki is Europe's fastest growing online auction platform. With over 300 weekly auctions across 80 categories, Catawiki is the number one website for buying and selling special objects.
194 experts
Catawiki’s auctions are carefully compiled by our team of experts. They help guarantee a varied and high quality selection of lots.
14M visitors
Every month, Catawiki welcomes millions of visitors from all over the world. Our platform is available in 17 languages including English, German, French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Chinese and Portuguese.

How to sell through Catawiki

Register as a seller

Registering as a seller is free and very easy to do. Once you have an account, you can offer up as many objects as you wish that are of premium quality.

Submit your lot

Select the auction that fits your lot. Please add an accurate description and clear images that showcase your lot as best as possible.


We'll notify you once the buyer has transferred their payment. You can then ship your lot within 3 working days. You’ll receive payment within 2 weeks of indicating that your lot has been shipped, provided there is no dispute related to the purchase.

Shipping costs

Shipping costs are free of commission. As a seller, you can indicate the shipping costs for various destinations when offering up your lots.
Worldwide selling potential
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The commission fee for sellers is 12.5% of the winning bid, excluding VAT. Commission fees are used for extensively promoting our auctions. Your lots will be promoted in several ways: through online advertisements, social media, emails and print advertising, to name a few.

Catawiki will promote your lots via multiple online advertising platforms - Google, Facebook, and our partner network of blogs and themed websites.

What can I sell at Catawiki's online auctions?
Every week we organise over 300 auctions across 80 categories and we’re always looking for special objects to include in our auctions. These are the kind of objects that carry emotion, hold historical or cultural value or are objects of interest that will capture the attention of our audience. We welcome objects in a wide variety of categories, from watches to art, from curio to stamps, and from wine to classic cars.
How can I tell if my objects are suitable for Catawiki?
Whatever your special objects are, our in-house experts would be happy to review them for inclusion in our auctions. In certain categories, we ask for a minimum estimated lot value. This is because our buyers come to Catawiki in search of something not only out of the ordinary, but also of value. If you want to offer up objects with low estimated values, we suggest to group them and sell them as a collection.
It’s time to sell to bidders from all over the world
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