Couple of Diplomystus Dentatus on matrix 18x14 cm. They came from Wyoming, Miocene age. Location is Kammerer. First one is 4,7 cm long, second one is 9,5 cm long. on both sharp preservation of skin, fishbones, jaw and eye orbit.
No paint or glue on both, colours are still original ones of fishes. Matrix is complete with no brokenings. we are talking of a very refined and hi quality slab.

Couple of Diplomystus Dentatus on matrix 18x14 cm. They came from Wyoming, Miocene age. Location is Kammerer. First one is 4,7 cm long, second one is 9,5 cm long. on both sharp preservation of skin, fishbones, jaw and eye orbit.
No paint or glue on both, colours are still original ones of fishes. Matrix is complete with no brokenings. we are talking of a very refined and hi quality slab.

Liczba przedmiotów
Nazwa naukowa
Diplomystus Dentatus
Kraj pochodzenia
Stany Zjednoczone
Okres geologiczny
Paleogen, Eocen (56 - 33,9 mln lat temu)
2,5 kg
18 cm
14 cm
1,5 cm

Liczba komentarzy: 84 (18 w ciągu ostatnich 12 miesięcy)
  1. 18
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  3. 0

Liczba komentarzy: 84 (18 w ciągu ostatnich 12 miesięcy)
  1. 18
  2. 0
  3. 0