At the production and vineyard level, where quality begins, Michele Chiarlo has for thirty years pursued an endless search for control over the finest vineyard sites in each of the zones from which he produces his wines. Perhaps the crown jewel among thes, He color is quite surprising because it is still so intact, deep even if a bit opaque. The bouquet reflects this hot year with a touch of toasted nuts together with traditional dark fruits like blackberry, mulberry and blueberry. The fruit is ripe, almost jammy, but still young and in no way evolved. The mouthfeel is elegant and progressive with lovely thick tannins and a softness upheld by a nice acidity, despite the hot weather. The finish is also elegant and consistent with the aroma. A very enjoyable wine and quite drinkable." - 88/100, Doctorwine

At the production and vineyard level, where quality begins, Michele Chiarlo has for thirty years pursued an endless search for control over the finest vineyard sites in each of the zones from which he produces his wines. Perhaps the crown jewel among thes, He color is quite surprising because it is still so intact, deep even if a bit opaque. The bouquet reflects this hot year with a touch of toasted nuts together with traditional dark fruits like blackberry, mulberry and blueberry. The fruit is ripe, almost jammy, but still young and in no way evolved. The mouthfeel is elegant and progressive with lovely thick tannins and a softness upheld by a nice acidity, despite the hot weather. The finish is also elegant and consistent with the aroma. A very enjoyable wine and quite drinkable." - 88/100, Doctorwine

Wino czerwone
Producent, nazwa wina
Michele Chiarlo, La Court
Liczba butelek
Pojemność butelki
Butelki (0,75l)
Stan etykiety
W pełni nienaruszona, czytelna etykieta
Stan kapturka / korka
Nienaruszony metalowy kapturek

Liczba komentarzy: 38 (38 w ciągu ostatnich 12 miesięcy)
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Liczba komentarzy: 38 (38 w ciągu ostatnich 12 miesięcy)
  1. 38
  2. 0
  3. 0