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Imprimare vintage

1883 obiecte

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Rev. Samuel Gosnell Green - Pictures from the German Fatherland, drawn with pen and pencil - 1893

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Bartley translated from Stieler - The Rhine: from its source to the Sea - 1878

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C.Jugel - le Rhin pittoresque ou choix des plus belles vues - 1840

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Julius Gallhuber / Joh. Jul. Schätz - `Der Bergsteiger. Deutsche Monatschrift für Bergsteigen, Wandern und Skilaufen. - 1930-1942

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Karl Baedeker - Baedeker's Wien und Budapest - 1931

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Karl Baedeker - Baedeker's Wien und Niederdonau - 1943

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P. S. Pallas - Travels through the southern provinces of the Russian Empire, in the years 1793 and 1794., Vol. I - 1803

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Raynal, Abbe - A Philosophical and Political History of Settlements and Trade of the Europeans in the East and West - 1777

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Stanisław Lencewicz - Polska - 1937

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Jaroslav Vlach - Zena Ve Zvycich A Mravech Naroduv [Woman in Customs and Manners of Nations] - 1913

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An accurate description and history of the cathedral and metropolitical church of St. Peter, York - 1790

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John Hawkesworth - Relation des voyages entrepris par ordre de sa majesté Britannique - 1774

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Thomas Allom / George Pickering - Vues pittoresques des comtés de Westmorland, de Cumberland, de Durham, et de Northumberland - 1832-1835

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Anom. - Sketches in Connemara (collection of original aquarels of Connemara) - 1875

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Karl Baedeker - Baedeker's Norway, Sweden And Denmark by Karl Baedeker - 1909

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Kurck Arvid / Otto Henrik Wallgren - Skanska Folkdragter - 1872

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Henri de Noussanne, V.H. Friedel / Jean Bayet - 3 books from the series Les Beaux Voyages - Egypte, Espagne & Écosse - 1912

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AAVV - Lettere dal Limes - 1990

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Bartolomeo Pacca - Mémoires sur le Portugal et Voyage à Gibraltar - 1836

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Ferreira de Castro - A Volta ao Mundo - 1942

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Winifred James / F.A. Mitchell-Hedges / Burr McIntosh - The Mulberry Tree / Land of Wonder and Fear / The Little I Saw of Cuba - 1899

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Signed; Victor Meignan - Aux Antilles - 1878

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Mgr. Ricard - Christophe Colomb - 1894

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Louis Joseph Janvier - La république d'Haïti et ses visiteurs (1840-1882) - 1883

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