Unveiling Excellence: Kasyu Ju Kanewaka Katana with NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Certification Delve into the world of extraordinary craftsmanship with the Kasyu Ju Kanewaka Katana, a mid-Edo period masterpiece that has earned the prestigious NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon certification for both the sword and tsuba. Craftsmanship Excellence: Signed with the inscription “Kasyu Ju Kanewaka Shiroemon, the 3rd generation,” this katana showcases exceptional craftsmanship categorized as excellent. The blade, slightly wide and thick, adopts a Keicho shinto-like shape, highlighting the meticulous artistry of the Edo period. Blade Details: The jigane, a beautiful blackishi, sets the stage for the niedeki notare and gunomemidare hamon, revealing the sword’s distinctive features. The boshi, elegantly rounded, adds a touch of refinement to this masterful creation. Historical Significance and Legacy: Kasyu Kanewaka, renowned for serving the Maeda family of the Kaga domain, holds a prominent place among the swordsmiths associated with the Maeda clan. As the best among them, Kasyu Kanewaka’s legacy is carried forward by the third generation, Shiroemon Kanewaka, who successfully obtained the title after his father’s passing. Known for his sharp, inverted clove patterns, Shiroemon Kanewaka is celebrated as a master, earning the title of ‘Kenwaka’s Most Skilled Blade Carver of All Time’ in the Kashu Shinto Taikan. Exceptional Koshirae: Complementing the remarkable blade is a shipo (western-style) issaku koshirae, featuring a mumei (Nagasaki Shippo) tsuba. Authenticated with NBTHK Hozon Paper, this katana’s historical and aesthetic value is further heightened. Specifications:
Nagasa (Blade Length): 68.6cm
Sori (Curvature): 1.7cm
Width at the Base: 3.1cm
Width at the Tip: 2.1cm
Thickness: 0.6cm
Weight of the Sword: 685 grams
Historical Era and Certification: Crafted around 1700, during the mid-Edo period, this katana comes with NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon paper for the sword and tsuba, affirming its authenticity and historical significance. Own a Piece of Edo Craftsmanship: Experience the allure of Edo craftsmanship with the Kasyu Ju Kanewaka Katana. Beyond being a sword, it is a testament to historical legacy and meticulous artistry. Acquire this masterpiece to own a tangib le connection to Japan’s rich swordsmithing heritage.

Unveiling Excellence: Kasyu Ju Kanewaka Katana with NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Certification Delve into the world of extraordinary craftsmanship with the Kasyu Ju Kanewaka Katana, a mid-Edo period masterpiece that has earned the prestigious NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon certification for both the sword and tsuba. Craftsmanship Excellence: Signed with the inscription “Kasyu Ju Kanewaka Shiroemon, the 3rd generation,” this katana showcases exceptional craftsmanship categorized as excellent. The blade, slightly wide and thick, adopts a Keicho shinto-like shape, highlighting the meticulous artistry of the Edo period. Blade Details: The jigane, a beautiful blackishi, sets the stage for the niedeki notare and gunomemidare hamon, revealing the sword’s distinctive features. The boshi, elegantly rounded, adds a touch of refinement to this masterful creation. Historical Significance and Legacy: Kasyu Kanewaka, renowned for serving the Maeda family of the Kaga domain, holds a prominent place among the swordsmiths associated with the Maeda clan. As the best among them, Kasyu Kanewaka’s legacy is carried forward by the third generation, Shiroemon Kanewaka, who successfully obtained the title after his father’s passing. Known for his sharp, inverted clove patterns, Shiroemon Kanewaka is celebrated as a master, earning the title of ‘Kenwaka’s Most Skilled Blade Carver of All Time’ in the Kashu Shinto Taikan. Exceptional Koshirae: Complementing the remarkable blade is a shipo (western-style) issaku koshirae, featuring a mumei (Nagasaki Shippo) tsuba. Authenticated with NBTHK Hozon Paper, this katana’s historical and aesthetic value is further heightened. Specifications:
Nagasa (Blade Length): 68.6cm
Sori (Curvature): 1.7cm
Width at the Base: 3.1cm
Width at the Tip: 2.1cm
Thickness: 0.6cm
Weight of the Sword: 685 grams
Historical Era and Certification: Crafted around 1700, during the mid-Edo period, this katana comes with NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon paper for the sword and tsuba, affirming its authenticity and historical significance. Own a Piece of Edo Craftsmanship: Experience the allure of Edo craftsmanship with the Kasyu Ju Kanewaka Katana. Beyond being a sword, it is a testament to historical legacy and meticulous artistry. Acquire this masterpiece to own a tangib le connection to Japan’s rich swordsmithing heritage.

Mycket bra +
Dynastisk stil/period
mitten av Edo-perioden
0 cm
0 cm
Kasyu Ju Kanewaka
0 cm
Total längd
68,6 cm
Uppskattad tidsperiod

27 recensioner (7 de sidste 12 måneder)
  1. 7
  2. 0
  3. 0

27 recensioner (7 de sidste 12 måneder)
  1. 7
  2. 0
  3. 0


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Den här objektsbeskrivningen används enbart för informationsändamål. Visningen av artikeln i denna beskrivning indikerar inte att den fysiskt har kontrollerats av Catawiki vad gäller säkerhet eller funktionalitet. Vidare tillåter inte Catawiki olaglig aktivitet av något slag, och bär inget ansvar för skador eller skador orsakade avsiktligt eller oavsiktligt av spridningen av denna information eller användningen av det här beskrivna föremålet. Försäljning, köp, transport och besittning av vapen omfattas av nationella lagar och förordningar. Se till att du är bekant med lagarna och förordningarna i ditt land innan du lägger ett bud. Försäljning av vapen till personer under 18 år är förbjudet. Genom att lägga ett bud på det här objektet förklarar du att du är 18 år eller äldre och att du har verifierat att du har rätt att köpa det här i ditt land.