Seisosai Muneari, made year 1860AD February.

Muneari Was active in late Edo period and he was the student of the famous Koyama Munetsugu. His works resembled that of the Osafune Kanemitsu line and the Awataguchi tradition. This particular work demonstrates a range of work as the Kissaki is Chu size and the hamon is midare throughout with a small exception in the middle of one side. That detail is this spectacular Tobiyaki throughout. Of course this was intentional and was a nice surprise and may have been designed to distract the enemy in the daylight.

(In gold inlay) Goto Rokunosuke Fujiwara Toshitada at 22 years old tested Karigane & Taitai cuts, and cut well. Tested 1862AD year of dog, April.11
So this is quite a detailed test cut to see, the owner a young Samurai tested his own sword at the age of 22 years old and cut two bodies. One body was cut along the upper chest just below the neck, and the second body was in the middle of the chest. If we imagine this cut you will notice how high the bone density is in these areas, one of the most difficult parts of the body to cut through. It makes sense because several works from Muneari also have the test cuts from the famous Yamada school of testers.
The Saidan Mei (both side's) gold inlay is amazing!

The koshirae is in Higo style and all naturally.
The gold inlay of floral pattern can be seen throughout and demonstrates a level of luxury and high ranking.
All in original condition truly a wonderful Samurai Katana the blade is stunning just perfect, with a hamon that is amazing.

Nagasa 71cm.
Sori 1.7
Weight 879 gram
Edo period
Original Koshirae
NBTHK Hozon Tokubetsu
High ranking Samurai


继续追寻武士道和日本古董,您可能会发现您遇到的每件作品都承载着独特的故事,邀请您揭开武士的智慧和精神。通过这些文物,您可以与武士道的崇高理想建立个人联系,让您了解: 荣誉、纪律、正直和忠诚。 这是我们与您分享的生活方式。 我们希望您像我们一样享受日本历史之旅。 期待见面 网站 www Bushidoshop nl

Seisosai Muneari, made year 1860AD February.

Muneari Was active in late Edo period and he was the student of the famous Koyama Munetsugu. His works resembled that of the Osafune Kanemitsu line and the Awataguchi tradition. This particular work demonstrates a range of work as the Kissaki is Chu size and the hamon is midare throughout with a small exception in the middle of one side. That detail is this spectacular Tobiyaki throughout. Of course this was intentional and was a nice surprise and may have been designed to distract the enemy in the daylight.

(In gold inlay) Goto Rokunosuke Fujiwara Toshitada at 22 years old tested Karigane & Taitai cuts, and cut well. Tested 1862AD year of dog, April.11
So this is quite a detailed test cut to see, the owner a young Samurai tested his own sword at the age of 22 years old and cut two bodies. One body was cut along the upper chest just below the neck, and the second body was in the middle of the chest. If we imagine this cut you will notice how high the bone density is in these areas, one of the most difficult parts of the body to cut through. It makes sense because several works from Muneari also have the test cuts from the famous Yamada school of testers.
The Saidan Mei (both side's) gold inlay is amazing!

The koshirae is in Higo style and all naturally.
The gold inlay of floral pattern can be seen throughout and demonstrates a level of luxury and high ranking.
All in original condition truly a wonderful Samurai Katana the blade is stunning just perfect, with a hamon that is amazing.

Nagasa 71cm.
Sori 1.7
Weight 879 gram
Edo period
Original Koshirae
NBTHK Hozon Tokubetsu
High ranking Samurai


继续追寻武士道和日本古董,您可能会发现您遇到的每件作品都承载着独特的故事,邀请您揭开武士的智慧和精神。通过这些文物,您可以与武士道的崇高理想建立个人联系,让您了解: 荣誉、纪律、正直和忠诚。 这是我们与您分享的生活方式。 我们希望您像我们一样享受日本历史之旅。 期待见面 网站 www Bushidoshop nl
Amazing 2 Body test Katana Gold Inlay Seisosai Muneari NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon
3×3×71 cm
NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon

68 条评价 (2 过去的12个月)
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68 条评价 (2 过去的12个月)
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