A large antique Balinese or Lombok Keris from the second half of the 19th century with rare pamor type. Blade length is 44cm. Overall keris length is 56.5cm cm. Overall length in scabbard is 60cm. Rare pamor type of Kupu Tarung (Fighting Butterflies). Hilt is Balinese style with the grip made of human hair. Both blade and scabbard are in very good condition. Worldwide postage available from London, United Kingdom.

A large antique Balinese or Lombok Keris from the second half of the 19th century with rare pamor type. Blade length is 44cm. Overall keris length is 56.5cm cm. Overall length in scabbard is 60cm. Rare pamor type of Kupu Tarung (Fighting Butterflies). Hilt is Balinese style with the grip made of human hair. Both blade and scabbard are in very good condition. Worldwide postage available from London, United Kingdom.

2nd half 19th century
Sold with stand
2×15×60 cm

1条评价反馈 (2 过去的12个月)
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very nice item,, well packed, good seller.


Thank you. I appreciate your feedback. Best wishes and enjoy the keris. I liked it a lot.


1条评价反馈 (2 过去的12个月)
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