Embark on a journey through time with this majestic Sasanian Gold Ring, featuring a Carnelian Winged Lion Intaglio from the 1st Millennium CE. This artifact, once part of the Iranian Royal Family's collection and later acquired by Dr. István Zelnik, epitomizes the grandeur of ancient Mesopotamian craftsmanship. Its rich history is matched by its material purity, with an XRF-confirmed gold content of 17.99 karats.
This Sasanian or Mesopotamian Gold Ring is a paragon of ancient luxury and symbolism. The center stage is taken by a Carnelian intaglio, expertly carved with the image of a winged lion—a powerful symbol of royal authority and divine protection. This figure was not chosen arbitrarily; it reflects the high regard for mythological creatures that symbolized power and majesty in Sasanian art.

This type of intaglio was typically used as a personal seal and is indicative of the owner's high social status. The combination of material and artistry, alongside the ring's well-documented provenance, marks this piece as an exceptional example of ancient craftsmanship and cultural significance.

The ring's composition, predominantly gold with minor silver and copper inclusions, has been meticulously analyzed via XRF testing to confirm a gold purity of 17.99 karats. Such a high karatage not only denotes the ring's former prestige but also suggests that it belonged to an individual of considerable importance. The inclusion of silver and copper would have been a deliberate choice, made to enhance the ring's durability and its warm, golden luster.

Holding a sizeable part of history, this ring has traversed time and empires, eventually becoming a part of Dr. István Zelnik's private collection after its acquisition in Paris in the 1990s. The ring's journey from the esteemed collection of the Iranian Royal Family to a modern connoisseur like Dr. Zelnik adds a narrative depth that is rare and invaluable.

For collectors seeking a piece with both historical gravitas and artistic beauty, this ring is a perfect choice. The craftsmanship of the intaglio, coupled with the ring's well-documented provenance, offers a window into the Sasanian or Mesopotamian era, making it a crowning addition to any collection of ancient artifacts.

XRF Test Report:
The XRF analysis of this Sasanian Gold Ring shows a composition of 74.97% gold, 23.96% silver, and 1.06% copper, corresponding to a gold purity of approximately 17.99 karats. This high percentage of gold underscores the ring's significance in the Sasanian or Mesopotamian period, as such purity was often reserved for the most luxurious items. The minimal presence of copper and a significant amount of silver would have contributed to the firmness and color quality of the ring, enhancing its overall appearance without compromising the high gold content, which is exceptional for artifacts from this era.


独家收藏品 - 根据真实性、出处、材质和历史价值进行精选。我们通过真品证书、进出口许可证价值以及我们的市场知识来支持这一点。 发货:我们仅在欧盟范围内发货,不发货至英国、美国或任何其他国家。

Embark on a journey through time with this majestic Sasanian Gold Ring, featuring a Carnelian Winged Lion Intaglio from the 1st Millennium CE. This artifact, once part of the Iranian Royal Family's collection and later acquired by Dr. István Zelnik, epitomizes the grandeur of ancient Mesopotamian craftsmanship. Its rich history is matched by its material purity, with an XRF-confirmed gold content of 17.99 karats.
This Sasanian or Mesopotamian Gold Ring is a paragon of ancient luxury and symbolism. The center stage is taken by a Carnelian intaglio, expertly carved with the image of a winged lion—a powerful symbol of royal authority and divine protection. This figure was not chosen arbitrarily; it reflects the high regard for mythological creatures that symbolized power and majesty in Sasanian art.

This type of intaglio was typically used as a personal seal and is indicative of the owner's high social status. The combination of material and artistry, alongside the ring's well-documented provenance, marks this piece as an exceptional example of ancient craftsmanship and cultural significance.

The ring's composition, predominantly gold with minor silver and copper inclusions, has been meticulously analyzed via XRF testing to confirm a gold purity of 17.99 karats. Such a high karatage not only denotes the ring's former prestige but also suggests that it belonged to an individual of considerable importance. The inclusion of silver and copper would have been a deliberate choice, made to enhance the ring's durability and its warm, golden luster.

Holding a sizeable part of history, this ring has traversed time and empires, eventually becoming a part of Dr. István Zelnik's private collection after its acquisition in Paris in the 1990s. The ring's journey from the esteemed collection of the Iranian Royal Family to a modern connoisseur like Dr. Zelnik adds a narrative depth that is rare and invaluable.

For collectors seeking a piece with both historical gravitas and artistic beauty, this ring is a perfect choice. The craftsmanship of the intaglio, coupled with the ring's well-documented provenance, offers a window into the Sasanian or Mesopotamian era, making it a crowning addition to any collection of ancient artifacts.

XRF Test Report:
The XRF analysis of this Sasanian Gold Ring shows a composition of 74.97% gold, 23.96% silver, and 1.06% copper, corresponding to a gold purity of approximately 17.99 karats. This high percentage of gold underscores the ring's significance in the Sasanian or Mesopotamian period, as such purity was often reserved for the most luxurious items. The minimal presence of copper and a significant amount of silver would have contributed to the firmness and color quality of the ring, enhancing its overall appearance without compromising the high gold content, which is exceptional for artifacts from this era.


独家收藏品 - 根据真实性、出处、材质和历史价值进行精选。我们通过真品证书、进出口许可证价值以及我们的市场知识来支持这一点。 发货:我们仅在欧盟范围内发货,不发货至英国、美国或任何其他国家。
Name of object
戒指 | XRF 与伊朗王室
1st Millennium BCE
19 mm
19 mm

5 条评价 (5 过去的12个月)
  1. 5
  2. 0
  3. 0

5 条评价 (5 过去的12个月)
  1. 5
  2. 0
  3. 0


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