Joseph Klibansky
Birthday Suit (polished bronze), 2020
Polished bronze
25 3/5 × 11 2/5 × 13 4/5 in | 65 × 29 × 35 cm
includes a certificate

Beautiful sculpture by the immensely popular artist Josep Klibanksy.

"Birthday Suit is another term for 'standing in your nakedness.' It is the suit you were wearing when you were born. This chimp is standing in his nakie, with a party hat on, a rolling tongue in his mouth and a bunch of roses in his hand. He takes a bit of a cocked pose, with his belly forward. This sculpture stands in front of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the tallest building in the world. For me, this work is about taking or not taking opportunities. That could be in love - having the flowers, being ready for the party, but failing to make the move. Do you wait and see or are you someone who goes for it? Do you remain very comfortable working for the same boss or do you take the step to go into business for yourself? But of course everyone is allowed to have their own interpretation. For example: even if you stand in your nakedness, no matter how dastardly, stay true to yourself, to who you are, and have fun in life."



Nuenen 的 Art Dumay 实际上是集于一体的:一个在线画廊,一个拥有当代绘画的现代艺术画廊,同时也是一个拥有古典艺术品和古典绘画的艺术品经销商,它还评估艺术,买卖艺术品。 她通过现代艺术和古典艺术的艺术品拍卖来完成这一切。报价千差万别:现代荷兰艺术家或经典荷兰画家。此外,Art Dumay 通过其艺术网店在线销售艺术品。艺术爱好者可以在线查看艺术品并在线购买艺术品。 Art Dumay 拥有庞大的区域、国家和国际买家和相关方网络。该公司现在在成功指导个人、公司、政府和机构的采购和销售流程方面拥有近 20 年的经验。 此外,Art Dumay 在自己的管理下进行必要的评估、修复和维修。 Art Dumay 使用有效的拍卖方法面向大量国际观众进行销售。艺术收藏品存放在 1000 平方米的建筑中。

Joseph Klibansky
Birthday Suit (polished bronze), 2020
Polished bronze
25 3/5 × 11 2/5 × 13 4/5 in | 65 × 29 × 35 cm
includes a certificate

Beautiful sculpture by the immensely popular artist Josep Klibanksy.

"Birthday Suit is another term for 'standing in your nakedness.' It is the suit you were wearing when you were born. This chimp is standing in his nakie, with a party hat on, a rolling tongue in his mouth and a bunch of roses in his hand. He takes a bit of a cocked pose, with his belly forward. This sculpture stands in front of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the tallest building in the world. For me, this work is about taking or not taking opportunities. That could be in love - having the flowers, being ready for the party, but failing to make the move. Do you wait and see or are you someone who goes for it? Do you remain very comfortable working for the same boss or do you take the step to go into business for yourself? But of course everyone is allowed to have their own interpretation. For example: even if you stand in your nakedness, no matter how dastardly, stay true to yourself, to who you are, and have fun in life."



Nuenen 的 Art Dumay 实际上是集于一体的:一个在线画廊,一个拥有当代绘画的现代艺术画廊,同时也是一个拥有古典艺术品和古典绘画的艺术品经销商,它还评估艺术,买卖艺术品。 她通过现代艺术和古典艺术的艺术品拍卖来完成这一切。报价千差万别:现代荷兰艺术家或经典荷兰画家。此外,Art Dumay 通过其艺术网店在线销售艺术品。艺术爱好者可以在线查看艺术品并在线购买艺术品。 Art Dumay 拥有庞大的区域、国家和国际买家和相关方网络。该公司现在在成功指导个人、公司、政府和机构的采购和销售流程方面拥有近 20 年的经验。 此外,Art Dumay 在自己的管理下进行必要的评估、修复和维修。 Art Dumay 使用有效的拍卖方法面向大量国际观众进行销售。艺术收藏品存放在 1000 平方米的建筑中。
Joseph Klibansky (1984)
Birthday Suit
Hand signed
65 cm
29 cm
35 cm

3545 条评价 (729 过去的12个月)
  1. 694
  2. 34
  3. 1

3545 条评价 (729 过去的12个月)
  1. 694
  2. 34
  3. 1