Jarre couverte en terre cuite
Epoque Han vietnam
I-IIIeme siecle
Han Dynasty pottery refers to the ceramic vessels and figurines produced during the Han Dynasty, which lasted from 206 BCE to 220 CE in ancient China. Han Dynasty pottery is renowned for its artistic quality, variety of forms, and technical advancements. Here are some key features of Han Dynasty pottery:
Functional Vessels:

Han Dynasty pottery encompassed a wide range of functional vessels used for daily life, such as bowls, cups, jars, pots, and plates.
These vessels were used for cooking, storing food, serving, and other domestic purposes.
They were often well-crafted, displaying smooth surfaces and refined shapes.
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Dimensions 20 x 15 x 15 cm

Jarre couverte en terre cuite
Epoque Han vietnam
I-IIIeme siecle
Han Dynasty pottery refers to the ceramic vessels and figurines produced during the Han Dynasty, which lasted from 206 BCE to 220 CE in ancient China. Han Dynasty pottery is renowned for its artistic quality, variety of forms, and technical advancements. Here are some key features of Han Dynasty pottery:
Functional Vessels:

Han Dynasty pottery encompassed a wide range of functional vessels used for daily life, such as bowls, cups, jars, pots, and plates.
These vessels were used for cooking, storing food, serving, and other domestic purposes.
They were often well-crafted, displaying smooth surfaces and refined shapes.
Bon état général
Deux petits manques au couvercle

Dimensions 20 x 15 x 15 cm

Name of object
- 带盖储物罐
ca 200 BC - 200 AD
20 cm
15 cm
15 cm

208 条评价 (89 过去的12个月)
  1. 80
  2. 2
  3. 7

208 条评价 (89 过去的12个月)
  1. 80
  2. 2
  3. 7


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