Superb Napoleon III musical cigar cellar black lacquered and bronze trimmed in the shape of an Hexagonal Carousel, shape fitted with 6 doors mounted by 6 different medallions of Goddess.
The opening and closing mechanism at the top needs to be reviewed, however each door open and closes perfectly in a separate manner.
The musical mechanism needs reviewed to make it functional The key is present as in the picture.
Some of the Bronze parts surrounding the box are in missing but can be restored easily, along with one of the decorative pattern on top of the box.

Each door is fitted with 3 cigar holder and the whole Fits 18 Cigars.

The box presents some small traces of time and usage however the wood is an excellent condition and treated.

Superb Napoleon III musical cigar cellar black lacquered and bronze trimmed in the shape of an Hexagonal Carousel, shape fitted with 6 doors mounted by 6 different medallions of Goddess.
The opening and closing mechanism at the top needs to be reviewed, however each door open and closes perfectly in a separate manner.
The musical mechanism needs reviewed to make it functional The key is present as in the picture.
Some of the Bronze parts surrounding the box are in missing but can be restored easily, along with one of the decorative pattern on top of the box.

Each door is fitted with 3 cigar holder and the whole Fits 18 Cigars.

The box presents some small traces of time and usage however the wood is an excellent condition and treated.

木, 黃銅
狀態良好- 使用過,亦有些微老化跡象
30 cm
18 cm
18 cm

8 個評價 (在過去的12個月有8 條評論)
  1. 6
  2. 0
  3. 2

8 個評價 (在過去的12個月有8 條評論)
  1. 6
  2. 0
  3. 2