Of oval form consisting of a cameo in an open gold setting with a gold 'wavy ribbon' border and ridged suspension loop, carved in two layers, white on black, with a head of Gorgo Medusa framed by thick curly hair, wings visible, the face well defined with articulated eyes; mounted as a gold pendant.
H. 1.85 cm, B. 1.25 cm; Kamee: H. 1.27 cm, B. 1.06 cm

The head of Medusa, also known as the gorgoneion, was perhaps "the most ubiquitous subject employed for cameos" during the Roman period (p. 183 in M. Henig and H. Molesworth, The Complete Content Cameos). When used in jewelry it was thought to have amuletic or apotropaic properties, conferring protection to the wearer, including from the Evil Eye. During the Roman period, the type is typically shown either frontally or slightly turned, with wings in her hair, the face framed by serpents. The most common materials were sardonyx, chalcedony, carnelian or glass imitating them. It is mounted as a pendant in a its original Roman gold frame.

Frank Sternberg AG, KAM 1997, 337
Private collection, Switzerland, acquired from the above

Traces of wear, otherwise intact

Shipping terms
Worldwide shipping. No export permit needed to ship from Switzerland.Buyers have to cover transport costs and any additional import costs (e.g. VAT, import levies). You also acknowledge and accept that you are responsible for checking if there is any specific rule or restriction applicable to the import of an object into your country.


Plektron Fine Arts成立於2016年,在瑞士蘇黎世中心的Paradeplatz附近成立。 Ludovic Marock在文化界和國際藝術界擁有近二十年的經驗,開始了自己的職業生涯。在蘇富比和佳士得拍賣行他代表科視在蘇黎世的主要辦事處擔任古物專家,負責歐洲大陸在全球範圍內的所有托運貨物。 Plectrum Fine Arts提出了地中海地區的考古藝術品,並特別強調了希臘和羅馬時期。

Of oval form consisting of a cameo in an open gold setting with a gold 'wavy ribbon' border and ridged suspension loop, carved in two layers, white on black, with a head of Gorgo Medusa framed by thick curly hair, wings visible, the face well defined with articulated eyes; mounted as a gold pendant.
H. 1.85 cm, B. 1.25 cm; Kamee: H. 1.27 cm, B. 1.06 cm

The head of Medusa, also known as the gorgoneion, was perhaps "the most ubiquitous subject employed for cameos" during the Roman period (p. 183 in M. Henig and H. Molesworth, The Complete Content Cameos). When used in jewelry it was thought to have amuletic or apotropaic properties, conferring protection to the wearer, including from the Evil Eye. During the Roman period, the type is typically shown either frontally or slightly turned, with wings in her hair, the face framed by serpents. The most common materials were sardonyx, chalcedony, carnelian or glass imitating them. It is mounted as a pendant in a its original Roman gold frame.

Frank Sternberg AG, KAM 1997, 337
Private collection, Switzerland, acquired from the above

Traces of wear, otherwise intact

Shipping terms
Worldwide shipping. No export permit needed to ship from Switzerland.Buyers have to cover transport costs and any additional import costs (e.g. VAT, import levies). You also acknowledge and accept that you are responsible for checking if there is any specific rule or restriction applicable to the import of an object into your country.


Plektron Fine Arts成立於2016年,在瑞士蘇黎世中心的Paradeplatz附近成立。 Ludovic Marock在文化界和國際藝術界擁有近二十年的經驗,開始了自己的職業生涯。在蘇富比和佳士得拍賣行他代表科視在蘇黎世的主要辦事處擔任古物專家,負責歐洲大陸在全球範圍內的所有托運貨物。 Plectrum Fine Arts提出了地中海地區的考古藝術品,並特別強調了希臘和羅馬時期。
Name of object
2nd-3rd century A.D.
1,85 cm
1,25 cm


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