Discover the beauty of this refined Japanese samurai sword in Shirasaya, decorated with Koshirae and bearing the Aoi emblem. This masterfully crafted piece dates from the Edo period, Kanbun era, and stems from the famed Yasutsugu lineage, specifically the Third Generation in Edo. This masterpiece is characterized by a wide, layered and sturdy structure with a moderate curvature and an elongated cutting edge. The Jitetsu, a mix of small and fine grains, forms a fascinating base metal. The Hojiji flows in a straight line, adding to the visual appeal of the sword. Yasutsugu III’s influence is evident, translating into improved skills after Echizen’s move to Edo due to a family dispute. Noteworthy is the strong connection with the Hojoji Temple in Edo, resulting in a sword with a remarkable sense of excitement and depth in its refined details. The Koshirae complements the beauty of the blade, with a round iron Tsuba decorated with brass inlaid flowers and vines, reminiscent of the Heian Tsuba Castle. The head of the blade, carved on a Shakudo ground, shows a tap and a stream of water. With a blade length of 70.8 cm, a curvature of 1.2 cm and two Mekugi holes, this samurai sword showcases the mastery and artistry of Yasutsugu III. The width at the base is 3.2 cm, tapering to 2.2 cm at the tip. Embrace the rich history and unparalleled craftsmanship embodied in this piece, a testimony to the legacy of Yasutsugu III and the artistic excellence of Edo-era samurai swordsmiths.

Discover the beauty of this refined Japanese samurai sword in Shirasaya, decorated with Koshirae and bearing the Aoi emblem. This masterfully crafted piece dates from the Edo period, Kanbun era, and stems from the famed Yasutsugu lineage, specifically the Third Generation in Edo. This masterpiece is characterized by a wide, layered and sturdy structure with a moderate curvature and an elongated cutting edge. The Jitetsu, a mix of small and fine grains, forms a fascinating base metal. The Hojiji flows in a straight line, adding to the visual appeal of the sword. Yasutsugu III’s influence is evident, translating into improved skills after Echizen’s move to Edo due to a family dispute. Noteworthy is the strong connection with the Hojoji Temple in Edo, resulting in a sword with a remarkable sense of excitement and depth in its refined details. The Koshirae complements the beauty of the blade, with a round iron Tsuba decorated with brass inlaid flowers and vines, reminiscent of the Heian Tsuba Castle. The head of the blade, carved on a Shakudo ground, shows a tap and a stream of water. With a blade length of 70.8 cm, a curvature of 1.2 cm and two Mekugi holes, this samurai sword showcases the mastery and artistry of Yasutsugu III. The width at the base is 3.2 cm, tapering to 2.2 cm at the tip. Embrace the rich history and unparalleled craftsmanship embodied in this piece, a testimony to the legacy of Yasutsugu III and the artistic excellence of Edo-era samurai swordsmiths.

Sehr gut +
Dynastischer Stil/Epoche
Japanisches Samuraischwert
0 cm
Private Sammlung
0 cm
0 cm
70,8 cm
Geschätzter Zeitraum

27 Bewertungen (7 in den letzten 12 Monaten)
  1. 7
  2. 0
  3. 0

27 Bewertungen (7 in den letzten 12 Monaten)
  1. 7
  2. 0
  3. 0


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