A Rare and Exquisite Gandhara Stucco Head of Bodhisattva with Original Pigments, 3rd-5th Century AD
H16.5 x W8.5 x D7.5 cm (H28 cm with Stand)

Roman Gandhara statues represent a fascinating fusion of cultures. These artifacts, found in the Gandhara region of modern-day Pakistan and Afghanistan, depict Greco-Roman features combined with Buddhist iconography. Crafted during the early centuries CE, they showcase the exchange of ideas along the Silk Road. These statues reflect the harmonious coexistence of diverse cultures and religions in the region, serving as a testament to the profound cultural connections forged during antiquity and the enduring legacy of the Gandhara art style.

The original pigments on most of the surviving gandhara stucco figures have been lost due to burial. This Bodhisattva's head has remnants of the original pigments, including the red coloring on crown, eyes and lips and the skin coloring on the face, which is very rare.

A similar example of a stucco head of Bodhisattva, H. 14.6 cm, 4th-5th Century AD, in the collection of the British Museum:

Acquired from a private collection in 1982, Paris

Overall in good condition. Some abrasion caused by age. Partial loss of the left eyelid, left eyebrow, and lip. Overall surface is covered with soil. No restoration.

Shipping worldwide by EMS, usually 7-14 days to deliver.
The photo of proof of origin and certificate of authenticity will be provided via email.


A Rare and Exquisite Gandhara Stucco Head of Bodhisattva with Original Pigments, 3rd-5th Century AD
H16.5 x W8.5 x D7.5 cm (H28 cm with Stand)

Roman Gandhara statues represent a fascinating fusion of cultures. These artifacts, found in the Gandhara region of modern-day Pakistan and Afghanistan, depict Greco-Roman features combined with Buddhist iconography. Crafted during the early centuries CE, they showcase the exchange of ideas along the Silk Road. These statues reflect the harmonious coexistence of diverse cultures and religions in the region, serving as a testament to the profound cultural connections forged during antiquity and the enduring legacy of the Gandhara art style.

The original pigments on most of the surviving gandhara stucco figures have been lost due to burial. This Bodhisattva's head has remnants of the original pigments, including the red coloring on crown, eyes and lips and the skin coloring on the face, which is very rare.

A similar example of a stucco head of Bodhisattva, H. 14.6 cm, 4th-5th Century AD, in the collection of the British Museum:

Acquired from a private collection in 1982, Paris

Overall in good condition. Some abrasion caused by age. Partial loss of the left eyelid, left eyebrow, and lip. Overall surface is covered with soil. No restoration.

Shipping worldwide by EMS, usually 7-14 days to deliver.
The photo of proof of origin and certificate of authenticity will be provided via email.


Name of object
Kopf des Bodhisattva – 3.–5. Jahrhundert n. Chr
Jahrhundert/ Zeitraum
3rd-5th Century AD
Private Sammlung
16,5 cm

33 Bewertungen (26 in den letzten 12 Monaten)
  1. 26
  2. 0
  3. 0

33 Bewertungen (26 in den letzten 12 Monaten)
  1. 26
  2. 0
  3. 0


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Der Verkäufer garantiert und kann belegen, dass das Objekt legal erworben wurde. Der Verkäufer wurde von Catawiki darüber informiert, dass er die Unterlagen, die gemäß den Gesetzen und Vorschriften seines Landes erforderlich sind, zur Verfügung stellen muss. Der Verkäufer garantiert, dass er berechtigt ist, das Objekt zu verkaufen/auszuführen. Der Verkäufer wird dem Käufer alle Informationen, die zur Provenienz des Objekts vorliegen, zur Verfügung stellen. Der Verkäufer versichert, dass alle erforderlichen Genehmigungen eingeholt wurden/werden. Der Verkäufer wird den Käufer unverzüglich über etwaige Verzögerungen bei der Einholung dieser Genehmigungen informieren.