IMPORTANT NOTICE: To celebrate our first year as professional sellers on catawiki and to thank all the customers who have made us grow with 100% positive feedback, during the first quarter of the year we will be offering high quality pieces for sale far below market value. Authentic pieces for the best collectors and enthusiasts at very low reserve prices as a thank you for this wonderful year!


At Supein Nihonto we strive to bring you high quality samurai swords and armors at prices far below the competition. We are probably the largest exporter in Europe and we are proud to anunce that we are number one TOP SELLER in Catawiki Samurai and Japanese auctions. This is especially important to save on taxes and waiting times that can exceed four months deliveries with Japanese sellers also headaches with tedious and sometimes problematic processes that further lengthen deliveries, even returning the parcel to its origin and more than 35% extra on the final price due the customs, tariffs and fees that increase the product but not the quality and the future resell. We are also professional sellers and therefore our satisfaction guarantee, knowledge and standards are superior to private sellers and with higher after sales guarantees. Thanks to this and the lowest professional prices in the industry plus our fast and efficient shipping method which rarely exceeds three days delivery in Europe, we are sure you will enjoy this great opportunity to own a piece of art that will appreciate in value for years to come and a great investment. Trust us to enjoy the samurai art.


Comes with kimono or cotton bag. Comes with Authenticy certificate from Supein Nihonto. it comes with prefecture papers.

Sword smith during Gennna era(1615-1624). He has an excellent reputation about the sharpness. Is Ryo Wazamono ranking.

A great museum piece to any collector. Special and rare sword full of history to tell.A real beauty that I personally recommend for its originality and rarity. It comes with NBTHK kicho paper. These certificates are highly appreciated as the NBTHK is the largest association of Japanese swords in the world. This certificate is of special preservation and artistic value. A great museum piece to any collector. Special and rare sword full of history to tell. Spectacular sword of great quality. The sword speaks for itself. Elegant koshirae of high rank. The braiding of the ito in white color is very rare and was reserved for lords, great lords and royalty. The reason is clear. Given its color it was easy for the katana to be stained with mud or blood in combat. Very top High class koshirae. The feudal lords and nobles rarely fought, so the white or ivory color signified purity and power. The blade is also simply exquisite, with a really spectacular hamon and is practically a perfect forging without any major error. This was extremely rare due to traditional hand forging and tamahagane steel. A marvel of a sword that will delight the lucky winner. Good luck to you.

The blade is in old japanese polish remaining in good condition, the jihada of the steel is detailed and full of details to appreciate. A masterpiece Worthly a museum and a great addition to any private collection.

Blade is in very good condition due to aging. Not hagire and not fatal damage, of course. This is a japanese weapon so have a real historical value. This is a weapon not machine crafted so can be minor movements of saya, tsuka, tsuba, etc. Because of dilatation, humidity, etc. and little damages propers of his age like small rust, scratches, etc. Sold as is.

An Authentic nihonto japanese sword, difficult to find in Europe, without the consequent costs of importing from Japan or from Japanese sellers, which can increase the price of the sword by up to 30% and a months waiting for shipment and custom paperwork. A truly real nihonto to delight both new and experienced collectors.

All my swords are originals, imported from japan and Europe from the best dealers and collectors during many years of collection and passion.

All bids are binding, if you are not interested don't let other bidders miss the opportunity. Winning the auction and not paying for the item blocks you from bidding on catawiki on any auction forever, keep this in mind before bidding.

Please see my other samurai swords and items clicking on my seller name. Combine shipping avaliable.

Size: Koshirae Full length: 100 cm
Blade length: 66,3 cm
Sori: 1,1 cm

Der Verkäufer stellt sich vor

Bei Supein Nihonto sind wir bestrebt, Ihnen durch süchtig machende Leidenschaft und ständigen Einsatz authentische Samurai-Stücke von höchster Qualität zu Preisen anzubieten, die weit unter der Konkurrenz liegen. Unser Ziel ist es, Samurai-Waffen und -Rüstungen für nahezu jedes Budget mit einem unschlagbaren Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis anzubieten. Mit ständigen Reisen nach Japan, einer großen täglichen Anstrengung und einem guten Ruf bei den wichtigsten Vertriebshändlern in Japan, der es uns ermöglicht, Orte zu besuchen, an denen die meisten Europäer keinen Zugang haben, können wir das Beste aus beiden Welten bekommen: Schnelle Lieferung, Original- und Premiumartikel und Preise, die Sie nur bei einem guten Ruf in der Branche und bei japanischen Lieferanten und engeren Freunden finden können. Weitere Informationen, Artikel und einen Blog finden Sie auf der Supein Nihonto-Website.
Übersetzt mit Google Übersetzer

IMPORTANT NOTICE: To celebrate our first year as professional sellers on catawiki and to thank all the customers who have made us grow with 100% positive feedback, during the first quarter of the year we will be offering high quality pieces for sale far below market value. Authentic pieces for the best collectors and enthusiasts at very low reserve prices as a thank you for this wonderful year!


At Supein Nihonto we strive to bring you high quality samurai swords and armors at prices far below the competition. We are probably the largest exporter in Europe and we are proud to anunce that we are number one TOP SELLER in Catawiki Samurai and Japanese auctions. This is especially important to save on taxes and waiting times that can exceed four months deliveries with Japanese sellers also headaches with tedious and sometimes problematic processes that further lengthen deliveries, even returning the parcel to its origin and more than 35% extra on the final price due the customs, tariffs and fees that increase the product but not the quality and the future resell. We are also professional sellers and therefore our satisfaction guarantee, knowledge and standards are superior to private sellers and with higher after sales guarantees. Thanks to this and the lowest professional prices in the industry plus our fast and efficient shipping method which rarely exceeds three days delivery in Europe, we are sure you will enjoy this great opportunity to own a piece of art that will appreciate in value for years to come and a great investment. Trust us to enjoy the samurai art.


Comes with kimono or cotton bag. Comes with Authenticy certificate from Supein Nihonto. it comes with prefecture papers.

Sword smith during Gennna era(1615-1624). He has an excellent reputation about the sharpness. Is Ryo Wazamono ranking.

A great museum piece to any collector. Special and rare sword full of history to tell.A real beauty that I personally recommend for its originality and rarity. It comes with NBTHK kicho paper. These certificates are highly appreciated as the NBTHK is the largest association of Japanese swords in the world. This certificate is of special preservation and artistic value. A great museum piece to any collector. Special and rare sword full of history to tell. Spectacular sword of great quality. The sword speaks for itself. Elegant koshirae of high rank. The braiding of the ito in white color is very rare and was reserved for lords, great lords and royalty. The reason is clear. Given its color it was easy for the katana to be stained with mud or blood in combat. Very top High class koshirae. The feudal lords and nobles rarely fought, so the white or ivory color signified purity and power. The blade is also simply exquisite, with a really spectacular hamon and is practically a perfect forging without any major error. This was extremely rare due to traditional hand forging and tamahagane steel. A marvel of a sword that will delight the lucky winner. Good luck to you.

The blade is in old japanese polish remaining in good condition, the jihada of the steel is detailed and full of details to appreciate. A masterpiece Worthly a museum and a great addition to any private collection.

Blade is in very good condition due to aging. Not hagire and not fatal damage, of course. This is a japanese weapon so have a real historical value. This is a weapon not machine crafted so can be minor movements of saya, tsuka, tsuba, etc. Because of dilatation, humidity, etc. and little damages propers of his age like small rust, scratches, etc. Sold as is.

An Authentic nihonto japanese sword, difficult to find in Europe, without the consequent costs of importing from Japan or from Japanese sellers, which can increase the price of the sword by up to 30% and a months waiting for shipment and custom paperwork. A truly real nihonto to delight both new and experienced collectors.

All my swords are originals, imported from japan and Europe from the best dealers and collectors during many years of collection and passion.

All bids are binding, if you are not interested don't let other bidders miss the opportunity. Winning the auction and not paying for the item blocks you from bidding on catawiki on any auction forever, keep this in mind before bidding.

Please see my other samurai swords and items clicking on my seller name. Combine shipping avaliable.

Size: Koshirae Full length: 100 cm
Blade length: 66,3 cm
Sori: 1,1 cm

Der Verkäufer stellt sich vor

Bei Supein Nihonto sind wir bestrebt, Ihnen durch süchtig machende Leidenschaft und ständigen Einsatz authentische Samurai-Stücke von höchster Qualität zu Preisen anzubieten, die weit unter der Konkurrenz liegen. Unser Ziel ist es, Samurai-Waffen und -Rüstungen für nahezu jedes Budget mit einem unschlagbaren Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis anzubieten. Mit ständigen Reisen nach Japan, einer großen täglichen Anstrengung und einem guten Ruf bei den wichtigsten Vertriebshändlern in Japan, der es uns ermöglicht, Orte zu besuchen, an denen die meisten Europäer keinen Zugang haben, können wir das Beste aus beiden Welten bekommen: Schnelle Lieferung, Original- und Premiumartikel und Preise, die Sie nur bei einem guten Ruf in der Branche und bei japanischen Lieferanten und engeren Freunden finden können. Weitere Informationen, Artikel und einen Blog finden Sie auf der Supein Nihonto-Website.
Übersetzt mit Google Übersetzer
Nihonto Echizen Kaneue mit NBTHK Hozon in wunderschönem antiken Koshirae und Shirasaya
Sehr gut
Dynastischer Stil/Epoche
Frühe Edo-Zeit
100 cm
Geschätzter Zeitraum

170 Bewertungen (115 in den letzten 12 Monaten)
  1. 101
  2. 13
  3. 1

170 Bewertungen (115 in den letzten 12 Monaten)
  1. 101
  2. 13
  3. 1


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Die Beschreibung ist ausschließlich dafür vorgesehen, Informationen über das Los zu vermitteln. Dies bedeutet nicht, dass das Objekt von Catawiki auf seine Sicherheit oder Funktion getestet wurde. Catawiki duldet keinerlei illegale Aktivitäten und trägt keine Verantwortung für eventuelle Schäden oder Verletzungen, die absichtlich oder unabsichtlich durch die Verbreitung dieser Informationen oder durch die Nutzung des hier beschriebenen Objekts herbeigeführt wurden. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie mit den Gesetzen und Vorschriften Ihres Landes vertraut sind, bevor Sie ein Gebot abgeben. Der Verkauf von Waffen an Personen unter 18 Jahren ist verboten. Mit der Abgabe eines Gebotes auf dieses Los erklären Sie, dass Sie 18 Jahre oder älter sind, Sie sich über die geltenden Vorgaben informiert haben und Sie dieses Los in Ihrem Land legal kaufen dürfen.