Shipping & Delivery
What will happen if a seller is not willing to ship my order?

If your order hasn’t been shipped after 3-5 days or the seller seems unwilling to ship it, we recommend you message the seller to find a solution. 

If you can’t come to an agreement together or if they aren’t responding to your messages, contact us using the button below. 

Our Customer Experience team will then contact the seller to find out why they haven’t shipped your order. Our team will do what they can to understand the seller’s situation and convince the seller to ship your order.

In the unfortunate event that the seller still won’t ship your order, we’ll cancel the order and refund you. To help protect you from this disappointing situation in the future, the seller might need to cover any extra costs caused by the cancellation and they might have their seller status revoked. We decide this on a case-by-case basis.

If, after this, you still want to try to get your order, you’ll need to talk to the seller directly and come to an agreement together. After cancellation, we can’t get involved in the sale.

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