
Michael Jackson's "Smooth Criminal" hat up for auction

Good news for Michael Jackson fans. Catawiki is auctioning off one of Michael Jackson’s most iconic garments: his original white Fedora hat. The King of Pop wore it in the film ‘Moonwalker’, which included the legendary official videoclip for ‘Smooth Criminal’. Read on to discover how the hat ended up in my auction.

By Denny Hoekstra - auctioneer records and memorabilia

The fedora hat has been an indispensable part of Michael Jackson’s iconic style since 1983. Michael Jackson wore these hats both during his concerts and in his personal life. He wore many of these hats, but didn’t often give them away. Michael did however frequently throw a hat into the audience after a show. Yet, these hats were often torn up by fans who desperately tried to grab them. This makes the hat that’s currently on offer all the more special! 

In the film Moonwalker and in the videoclip for Smooth Criminal, a few of the hats that were used had been custom-made for Michael Jackson. The hat on offer, he gave to his former manager after finishing the film. What’s special is that Michael Jackson has signed the inside of the hat with ‘Love Michael Jackson’. This makes the hat even more valuable. Earlier this year another hat worn by Michael Jackson was auctioned off for more than 25,000 euro.

Especially after his passing, the value of these personal belongings has increased rapidly. Collectors sometimes pay bizarre prices for e.g. garments worn by Jackson. Even Lady Gaga is a huge collector of Michael Jackson objects. A few years ago she bought  more than 50 of his personal belongings in a special auction. 

​The auction has already started and can be visited here.

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