Subasta de decorative salvage

“This is the coming together of many themes and styles in the Antiques and Vintage Design Industries. Ultimately everything in this business is “Salvaged” from somewhere and that is the spark that keeps buyers coming back to this wonderful and diverse world of unique and one-off decorative pieces for their homes. More recently of course there is a the added element of the circular economy and the fact that this area of Interiors is now also helping us throughout the world by working with all the beautiful things we already have without it costing us the Earth (literally). “ - William Walsh

“This is the coming together of many themes and styles in the Antiques and Vintage Design Industries. Ultimately everything in this business is “Salvaged” from somewhere and that is the spark that keeps buyers coming back to this wonderful and diverse world of unique and one-off decorative pieces for their homes. More recently of course there is a the added element of the circular economy and the fact that this area of Interiors is now also helping us throughout the world by working with all the beautiful things we already have without it costing us the Earth (literally). “ - William Walsh

Esta subasta forma parte de Inspiración para el hogar

No te pierdas ninguna de las subastas

¿Crees que tienes el objeto perfecto para una de nuestras subastas?
Empezar a vender

Subasta de interiores (inspiración para el hogar)

¿Visitas habitualmente mercadillos y ventas de objetos usados? ¿Te mereces tu propio programa de tele por encontrar tesoros increíbles? Si disfrutas con la emoción de ir a la caza (de gangas), ¡entonces nuestra subasta online de curiosidades es tu sitio! Aquí puedes comprar y vender las rarezas y curiosidades más especiales. Desde muebles únicos hasta estatuas de bronce, pasando por bastones y espejos antiguos; te encantará nuestra selección ecléctica. Cada semana encontrarás nuevos tesoros y baratijas y disfrutarás con la experiencia de ir en busca de tesoros desde la comodidad de tu hogar. Si algo resplandeciente llama tu atención, ¡inscríbete ahora y puja!