Asta di Affordable Art Fair x Catawiki: selezione contemporanea

Scopri artisti contemporanei di fama internazionale e a prezzi accessibili, tutti selezionati da Catawiki e Affordable Art Fair. Tra le opere in evidenza troverai i dipinti dell’artista berlinese Christian Sauer. L’Affordable Art Fair si svolge a Berlino dall’11 al 14 aprile e ospita 50 gallerie locali, nazionali e internazionali.

Scopri artisti contemporanei di fama internazionale e a prezzi accessibili, tutti selezionati da Catawiki e Affordable Art Fair. Tra le opere in evidenza troverai i dipinti dell’artista berlinese Christian Sauer. L’Affordable Art Fair si svolge a Berlino dall’11 al 14 aprile e ospita 50 gallerie locali, nazionali e internazionali.

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Asta di arte moderna e contemporanea - Direttamente dall’artista

Are you looking for a colourful artwork that catches everyone’s attention? Then look no further. Our Direct from the Artist auction is the perfect place to browse, buy and sell artworks from skilled contemporary artists. Discover a range of styles to suit any space. This is a chance for stunning artworks to go straight from the studio to your home. You will find screen prints, terra engravings, etchings and lithographs in expressionist and abstract art styles. Most listings provide a description of each artwork, which typically includes the provenance and condition of the artwork to help you decide if it’s the piece for you. Our Direct from the Artist auction is curated by specialised experts, who make sure buying and selling with us is safe and easy. We want you to experience auctioning at its finest -- all you have to do is sign up! Join Catawiki to buy or sell beautiful artworks today.