Asta di design olandese (Future More Collective)

View the objects in real life? This is possible during the DDW in the Pullman hotel, Vestdijk 47 in Eindhoven." "Myth (from the Greek Mythos μῦθος): a story in which events are described. As designers, the members of the Future More Collective also continuously tell stories, by creating their own myths in their work and concepts. They were wondering what would happen if they reflect on old myths and translate these into norms and values ​​in the future. During the Dutch Design Week (20 - 28 October) Future More will present their vision on this during their debut exhibition "Future Mythologies". Furthermore, with support from Art Dumay, they not only developed their first own exhibition, but also created 21 one of a kind design objects that will be auctioned during the Dutch Design Week. View the objects in real life? This is possible during the DDW in the Pullman hotel, Vestdijk 47 in Eindhoven."

View the objects in real life? This is possible during the DDW in the Pullman hotel, Vestdijk 47 in Eindhoven." "Myth (from the Greek Mythos μῦθος): a story in which events are described. As designers, the members of the Future More Collective also continuously tell stories, by creating their own myths in their work and concepts. They were wondering what would happen if they reflect on old myths and translate these into norms and values ​​in the future. During the Dutch Design Week (20 - 28 October) Future More will present their vision on this during their debut exhibition "Future Mythologies". Furthermore, with support from Art Dumay, they not only developed their first own exhibition, but also created 21 one of a kind design objects that will be auctioned during the Dutch Design Week. View the objects in real life? This is possible during the DDW in the Pullman hotel, Vestdijk 47 in Eindhoven."

Questa asta fa parte di (Not active) Design olandese

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Asta di design (NL)

Hai una passione per il design da interni? Sei alla ricerca di tavoli o sedie dal taglio originale o di altri mobili per arredare il tuo salotto? Esplora allora i nostri lotti speciali! All’interno della nostra asta dedicata al design olandese potrai trovare mobili, vasellame e lampade firmate da molti nomi del design fra cui Cees Braakman A. Dekker, Dijkstra ed Hein Salomonson. Con a disposizione un’ampia varietà di colori, forme e stili (moderno, classico ed altro), puoi star sicuro che troverai quello che cerchi. Ciascun lotto è offerto insieme ad una descrizione ed una serie di immagini per consentirti una più adeguata valutazione. Vuoi vendere i tuoi oggetti di design olandese? Grazie alla supervisione di banditori professionisti, vendere i tuoi articoli di design è cosa semplice e sicura. Lancia la tua offerta oppure metti all’asta i tuoi lotti su Catawiki oggi stesso!