Spigolatura 49 is a hand woven tapestry by Susanna Costantini. The work was created using a traditional loom and different weaving techniques. This tapestry is part of the Gleaning series, a project inspired by Agnes Varda's documentary "Les glaneurs et la glaneuse". These tapestries are in fact the result of a practice of "gleaning", for its realization yarns from other weaving and other warps were recovered.
The gleaning activity is an ancient practice and it is something necessary that we practice every day, it has to do with the recovery of both material and emotional value. The practice of gleaning brings with it a moment of choice: one evaluates, one decides whether to let go, recover or elaborate.
Size: 54 x 64 cm (framed)
Composition: bamboo, cotton, linen, hemp, raffia, banana fiber

Costantini Atelier is an Italian studio of artisanal weaving run by Susanna Costantini.
The approach followed aims to highlight the exceptional value that comes from the interaction between hands and materials.
Hand-weaving is a way to explore visual art and communicate, warp and weft are like a binary system with endless possibilities.
The crafting process of each hand woven wall art is exclusive and unique. The key concept condensed in each hand woven wall art is intersection as a narrative process that can deliver something from the past or something new, unexpected and original.

website www.costantiniatelier.com
instagram @susanna_costantini_tessiture


Spigolatura 49 is a hand woven tapestry by Susanna Costantini. The work was created using a traditional loom and different weaving techniques. This tapestry is part of the Gleaning series, a project inspired by Agnes Varda's documentary "Les glaneurs et la glaneuse". These tapestries are in fact the result of a practice of "gleaning", for its realization yarns from other weaving and other warps were recovered.
The gleaning activity is an ancient practice and it is something necessary that we practice every day, it has to do with the recovery of both material and emotional value. The practice of gleaning brings with it a moment of choice: one evaluates, one decides whether to let go, recover or elaborate.
Size: 54 x 64 cm (framed)
Composition: bamboo, cotton, linen, hemp, raffia, banana fiber

Costantini Atelier is an Italian studio of artisanal weaving run by Susanna Costantini.
The approach followed aims to highlight the exceptional value that comes from the interaction between hands and materials.
Hand-weaving is a way to explore visual art and communicate, warp and weft are like a binary system with endless possibilities.
The crafting process of each hand woven wall art is exclusive and unique. The key concept condensed in each hand woven wall art is intersection as a narrative process that can deliver something from the past or something new, unexpected and original.

website www.costantiniatelier.com
instagram @susanna_costantini_tessiture


Etter 2000
Designer / Artist / Skaper
Susanna Costantini
52 cm
52 cm
Som ny - ubrukt

13 tilbakemeldinger (%feedback_total} de siste 12 måneder)
  1. 6
  2. 0
  3. 0

13 tilbakemeldinger (%feedback_total} de siste 12 måneder)
  1. 6
  2. 0
  3. 0