Oscillum Fragment.

- Nice Piece! -

Roman Emprie, 1st - 2nd century AD.


38 cm high, 20.3 cm long and 2.5 cm wide. without stand.

PROVENANCE: Private collection, New York, United States of America, 1960 - 1970.

CONDITION: It has a professionally restored break line in the central part. He has lost half of the oscillum.


Oscilla is a word applied in Latin usage to small figures, most commonly masks or faces, which were hung up as offerings to various deities, either for propitiation or expiation, and in connection with festivals and other ceremonies. It is usually taken as the plural of oscillum (diminutive of os), a little face. As the oscilla swung in the wind, oscillare came to mean to swing, hence in English oscillation, the act of swinging backwards and forwards, periodic motion to and fro, hence any variation or fluctuation, actual or figurative. Oscilla tended to be hung between the columns in the peristyle so they moved with the wind, as can still be seen in some houses of Pompeii.


The piece includes authenticity certificate.
The piece includes Spanish Export License (Passport for European Union) - If the piece is destined outside the European Union a substitution of the export permit should be requested.

Historien til selger

Gallery of Ancient Art - Arkeologi basert i Barcelona med mer enn femten års erfaring. Spesialisert seg på klassisk kunst, egyptisk kunst, asiatisk kunst og pre-columbiansk kunst. Det garanterer ektheten til alle delene. Den deltar på de viktigste kunstmessene i Spania, som Feriarte, samt på messer i utlandet, BRAFA, Parcours des Mondes, Cultures Brussel. Alle stykkene sendes med en eksporttillatelse utstedt av det spanske kulturdepartementet. Vi sender raskt via DHL Express eller Direct Art Transport.
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Oscillum Fragment.

- Nice Piece! -

Roman Emprie, 1st - 2nd century AD.


38 cm high, 20.3 cm long and 2.5 cm wide. without stand.

PROVENANCE: Private collection, New York, United States of America, 1960 - 1970.

CONDITION: It has a professionally restored break line in the central part. He has lost half of the oscillum.


Oscilla is a word applied in Latin usage to small figures, most commonly masks or faces, which were hung up as offerings to various deities, either for propitiation or expiation, and in connection with festivals and other ceremonies. It is usually taken as the plural of oscillum (diminutive of os), a little face. As the oscilla swung in the wind, oscillare came to mean to swing, hence in English oscillation, the act of swinging backwards and forwards, periodic motion to and fro, hence any variation or fluctuation, actual or figurative. Oscilla tended to be hung between the columns in the peristyle so they moved with the wind, as can still be seen in some houses of Pompeii.


The piece includes authenticity certificate.
The piece includes Spanish Export License (Passport for European Union) - If the piece is destined outside the European Union a substitution of the export permit should be requested.

Historien til selger

Gallery of Ancient Art - Arkeologi basert i Barcelona med mer enn femten års erfaring. Spesialisert seg på klassisk kunst, egyptisk kunst, asiatisk kunst og pre-columbiansk kunst. Det garanterer ektheten til alle delene. Den deltar på de viktigste kunstmessene i Spania, som Feriarte, samt på messer i utlandet, BRAFA, Parcours des Mondes, Cultures Brussel. Alle stykkene sendes med en eksporttillatelse utstedt av det spanske kulturdepartementet. Vi sender raskt via DHL Express eller Direct Art Transport.
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Romersk antikk
Name of object
Oscillum Fragment. 1. - 2. århundre e.Kr. Høyde 38 cm.
Århundre / Tidsramme
1st - 3rd Century A.D
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2049 tilbakemeldinger (%feedback_total} de siste 12 måneder)
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Selger garanterer og kan bevise at objektet ble lovlig skaffet. Selger ble informert av Catawiki at de måtte skaffe dokumentasjonen som er påkrevd av lover og regler i deres bostedsland. Selger garanterer og har rett til å selge/eksportere dette objektet. Selger må skaffe all herkomst informasjon som er kjent for objektet til kjøper. Selger forsikrer at alle nødvendige tillatelser er/vil bli skaffet. Selger vil informere kjøper umiddelbart om det er forsinkelser ved å få tak i slike tillatelser.