Beautiful Japanese Wakizashi in military version. The blade is mumei but has the Igeta family crest. Forged around 1800 Seki Gifu. The swordsmith is unknown. What we do know is that a relative of the Igeta took the short sword with him to World War II and fought there. Samurai Edo period sword adapted from a custom gunto koshirae with black leather saya and leather in place of the classic shagreen. This type of guntos was a special order for senior officers during World War II. The Wakizashi itself dates from an older Edo period. A piece with a lot of Samurai history and also the Second World War. Nagasa length 54.8 cm Warp 1.2 cm 3 mekugi holes original width About 3.03 cm Point width 2.23 cm weight About 572 g Wakizashi (inscription) Mumei total length Koshirae about 84 cm
Japanese Wakizashi, a timeless piece forged around 1800 in Seki Gifu. While the swordsmith remains a mystery, its legacy is marked by the Igeta family crest, adding a touch of historical intrigue. This remarkable Wakizashi holds a unique tale as it accompanied a family member into the tumultuous battlefield of World War II. Adapted into a custom gunto koshirae, this Edo-period Samurai sword boasts authenticity with the Igeta crest, echoing its lineage. The blade, mumei (unsigned), resonates with the spirit of the samurai, making it a symbol of courage and tradition. Crafted during the Edo period, this piece transcends time, carrying the essence of the samurai era into the modern day. The original military adaptation features a custom gunto koshirae with a black leather saya, a departure from the classic shagreen, showcasing its unique historical context. Notably, this Wakizashi was not merely a wartime accessory but a testament to the valor of its wielder. The sword bears witness to the complexities of history, from the refined culture of the Edo period to the tumultuous events of the 20th century. With a nagasa length of 54.8 cm and a weight of approximately 572 g, this Wakizashi embodies the balance between form and function. The mumei inscription adds an air of mystery, inviting enthusiasts to delve into the rich heritage it represents. Whether displayed as a collector’s item or cherished as a symbolic artifact, this Wakizashi serves as a bridge between two significant epochs, embodying the spirit of the samurai and the resilience of its lineage. Explore the intersection of history and artistry with this exceptional piece, an ode to the legacy of valor. It is a beautiful WWII Wakizashi, the Ito has been renewed on the tsuka. And there are some light scratches on the blade, which is of course normal for a real combat Wakizashi from the Second World War…
Now with maintenance set and sword rack, completely complete….

Beautiful Japanese Wakizashi in military version. The blade is mumei but has the Igeta family crest. Forged around 1800 Seki Gifu. The swordsmith is unknown. What we do know is that a relative of the Igeta took the short sword with him to World War II and fought there. Samurai Edo period sword adapted from a custom gunto koshirae with black leather saya and leather in place of the classic shagreen. This type of guntos was a special order for senior officers during World War II. The Wakizashi itself dates from an older Edo period. A piece with a lot of Samurai history and also the Second World War. Nagasa length 54.8 cm Warp 1.2 cm 3 mekugi holes original width About 3.03 cm Point width 2.23 cm weight About 572 g Wakizashi (inscription) Mumei total length Koshirae about 84 cm
Japanese Wakizashi, a timeless piece forged around 1800 in Seki Gifu. While the swordsmith remains a mystery, its legacy is marked by the Igeta family crest, adding a touch of historical intrigue. This remarkable Wakizashi holds a unique tale as it accompanied a family member into the tumultuous battlefield of World War II. Adapted into a custom gunto koshirae, this Edo-period Samurai sword boasts authenticity with the Igeta crest, echoing its lineage. The blade, mumei (unsigned), resonates with the spirit of the samurai, making it a symbol of courage and tradition. Crafted during the Edo period, this piece transcends time, carrying the essence of the samurai era into the modern day. The original military adaptation features a custom gunto koshirae with a black leather saya, a departure from the classic shagreen, showcasing its unique historical context. Notably, this Wakizashi was not merely a wartime accessory but a testament to the valor of its wielder. The sword bears witness to the complexities of history, from the refined culture of the Edo period to the tumultuous events of the 20th century. With a nagasa length of 54.8 cm and a weight of approximately 572 g, this Wakizashi embodies the balance between form and function. The mumei inscription adds an air of mystery, inviting enthusiasts to delve into the rich heritage it represents. Whether displayed as a collector’s item or cherished as a symbolic artifact, this Wakizashi serves as a bridge between two significant epochs, embodying the spirit of the samurai and the resilience of its lineage. Explore the intersection of history and artistry with this exceptional piece, an ode to the legacy of valor. It is a beautiful WWII Wakizashi, the Ito has been renewed on the tsuka. And there are some light scratches on the blade, which is of course normal for a real combat Wakizashi from the Second World War…
Now with maintenance set and sword rack, completely complete….

Japansk wakizashi 1800 fra andre verdenskrig
Bra tilstand, se beskrivelse
0×0×54,8 cm

27 tilbakemeldinger (%feedback_total} de siste 12 måneder)
  1. 7
  2. 0
  3. 0

27 tilbakemeldinger (%feedback_total} de siste 12 måneder)
  1. 7
  2. 0
  3. 0


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