Mouthpieces of flattened elliptical and oval form with dotted decoration for three of them, one or two attachment holes at the each end
8 cm long max., 6.8 cm long min., 3.5 cm high max, 2.7 cm high min.

Ancient gold funerary mouthpieces
The oval ornaments of thin sheet gold of the type illustrated here have given rise to a number of theories as to their use. Talking about a Greek grave discovered in Olbia in 1891, E. H. Minns (in "Scythians and Greeks") describes a chamber lined with stone in which lay two skeletons, a man and a woman, with gold leaves upon eyes, mouth and ears. He goes on to suggest that, like funeral masks, they served to make it less painful to look upon the face of the dead at the time of the funeral ceremony and at the same time prevented the entrance of demons into the body through these openings. A number of mouthpieces have been found in place during excavations, and Maxwell-Hyslop ("Western Asiatic Jewellery, 3000-612 B.C.") recalls an example from Beth Shan (Syria) which was found inside an Iron Age anthropoid sarcophagus, 1200-1000 B.C. There use is equally attested in many cases by the embossed representations of lips which can be seen on some early specimens.

Coins&Antiquities, London, 1st half of 1970s (with old inventory numbers at the back)
Private collection, Switzerland from the above

The concentric circles embossed into the gold plaques over the eyes indicate that the warrior's eyes would forever gaze into the beyond.
burials complete with gold funeral wreaths and face-coverings (eye- and mouth-covers)

Shipping terms
Worldwide shipping. No export permit needed to ship from Switzerland.Buyers have to cover transport costs and any additional import costs (e.g. VAT, import levies). You also acknowledge and accept that you are responsible for checking if there is any specific rule or restriction applicable to the import of an object into your country.

Mais sobre o vendedor

Fundada em 2016, a Plektron Fine Arts está estabelecida perto de Paradeplatz, no coração de Zurique, Suíça. Com quase vinte anos de experiência no setor cultural e no mundo da arte internacional, Ludovic Marock iniciou sua carreira i.a. na Sotheby’s e na Christie’s. Ele representou os principais escritórios da Christie's em Zurique como um especialista em antiguidades responsável por todas as remessas para vendas mundiais da Europa Continental. A Plectrum Fine Arts propõe obras arqueológicas da área mediterrânica, com particular destaque para as épocas grega e romana.
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Mouthpieces of flattened elliptical and oval form with dotted decoration for three of them, one or two attachment holes at the each end
8 cm long max., 6.8 cm long min., 3.5 cm high max, 2.7 cm high min.

Ancient gold funerary mouthpieces
The oval ornaments of thin sheet gold of the type illustrated here have given rise to a number of theories as to their use. Talking about a Greek grave discovered in Olbia in 1891, E. H. Minns (in "Scythians and Greeks") describes a chamber lined with stone in which lay two skeletons, a man and a woman, with gold leaves upon eyes, mouth and ears. He goes on to suggest that, like funeral masks, they served to make it less painful to look upon the face of the dead at the time of the funeral ceremony and at the same time prevented the entrance of demons into the body through these openings. A number of mouthpieces have been found in place during excavations, and Maxwell-Hyslop ("Western Asiatic Jewellery, 3000-612 B.C.") recalls an example from Beth Shan (Syria) which was found inside an Iron Age anthropoid sarcophagus, 1200-1000 B.C. There use is equally attested in many cases by the embossed representations of lips which can be seen on some early specimens.

Coins&Antiquities, London, 1st half of 1970s (with old inventory numbers at the back)
Private collection, Switzerland from the above

The concentric circles embossed into the gold plaques over the eyes indicate that the warrior's eyes would forever gaze into the beyond.
burials complete with gold funeral wreaths and face-coverings (eye- and mouth-covers)

Shipping terms
Worldwide shipping. No export permit needed to ship from Switzerland.Buyers have to cover transport costs and any additional import costs (e.g. VAT, import levies). You also acknowledge and accept that you are responsible for checking if there is any specific rule or restriction applicable to the import of an object into your country.

Mais sobre o vendedor

Fundada em 2016, a Plektron Fine Arts está estabelecida perto de Paradeplatz, no coração de Zurique, Suíça. Com quase vinte anos de experiência no setor cultural e no mundo da arte internacional, Ludovic Marock iniciou sua carreira i.a. na Sotheby’s e na Christie’s. Ele representou os principais escritórios da Christie's em Zurique como um especialista em antiguidades responsável por todas as remessas para vendas mundiais da Europa Continental. A Plectrum Fine Arts propõe obras arqueológicas da área mediterrânica, com particular destaque para as épocas grega e romana.
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Período cultural
Grécia Antiga
Name of object
Quatro bocais de ouro - séculos VIII-V a.C.
Século/ Período de tempo
archaic period 8th-5th century BC
Galeria/ Antiquário
País de origem
Veja condição na descrição
8 cm

Aviso Legal

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O vendedor garante e pode provar que o objeto foi obtido legalmente. O vendedor foi informado pela Catawiki que tinha de fornecer a documentação exigida pelas leis e regulamentos do seu país de residência. O vendedor garante que tem o direito de vender/exportar este objeto. O vendedor fornecerá ao comprador toda a informação conhecida sobre a proveniência do objeto. O vendedor garante que serão ou já foram obtidas todas as autorizações necessárias. O vendedor informará imediatamente o comprador de quaisquer atrasos na obtenção de tais autorizações.