Sarcophagus Fragment

- Thermoluminescense Test -

- Ex. Christies -

- Important Piece! -

Ancient Greek, Clazomenae, Mid 6th-mid 5th century BC.

Terracotta and pigments.

6.6 kg total, 42.5 cm.

PROVENANCE: Property of a London gentleman; ex Cybele Gallery, Paris, France; formerly with Christie's in 2006; previously in a private English collection.

CONDITION: Intact, see photos.

PARALLELS: See Cook, R.M., Clazomenian Sarcophagi, Mainz, 1981, for discussion of the sarcophagi produced at the city of Clazomenai,


A carved ceramic fragment with white slip and black pigment field to the lateral flange; white vertical band with painted meander pattern to one narrow edge; painted guilloche to the wider face terminating in a profile male bust wearing a conical hat with spirals and pellets, possibly the tutelary god Apollo; mounted on a custom-made stand. The sarcophagus is made from a coarse pink clay with a white slip covering, the style for which the city of Clazomenae is known.

The interlacing motif developing on the front face corresponds to a decorative pattern that can be seen on Classical Greek clazomenian sarcophagi, such as the one in the Altes Museum in Berlin or in the museums of Smyrna: they are bordered with grooved fretwork like the one shown here running along their long sides, while on the short sides are depictions of divinities, conch shells and homoerotic scenes of young aristocrats. The side retains Greek geometric fretwork decoration.

Clazomenes or Clazomene was an ancient Ancient Greek port polis on the Aegean coast of Anatolia. The painted terracotta sarcophagi discovered in the necropolis of the local archaeological site are the most prized works of Ionian painting from the 6th century BC. Many of them are kept in the neighbouring museums of Smyrna.

Clazomenes was an ally of the Ionian League (or Dodecapolis, which was the confederation of the twelve cities). During the Ionian revolt against the Persians in the early 5th century BC, Clazomenes was moved to an island just off the coast. According to tradition, Alexander the Great connected the island to the mainland by means of an artificial ramp. The city of Urla, which is also a district of the province of Smyrna in Turkey, is located on the site where it once stood.

The piece includes authenticity certificate.
The piece includes Spanish Export License.
The seller guarantees that he acquired this piece according to all national and international laws related to the ownership of cultural property. Provenance statement seen by Catawiki.

Mais sobre o vendedor

Galeria de Arte Antiga - Arqueologia sediada em Barcelona com mais de quinze anos de experiência. Especializado em arte clássica, arte egípcia, arte asiática e arte pré-colombiana. Garante a autenticidade de todas as suas peças. Participa nas feiras de arte mais importantes de Espanha, como Feriarte, bem como em feiras no estrangeiro, BRAFA, Parcours des Mondes, Cultures Brussels. Todas as peças são enviadas com uma Licença de Exportação emitida pelo Ministério da Cultura espanhol. Nós somos rápidos para enviar via DHL Express ou Direct Art Transport.
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Sarcophagus Fragment

- Thermoluminescense Test -

- Ex. Christies -

- Important Piece! -

Ancient Greek, Clazomenae, Mid 6th-mid 5th century BC.

Terracotta and pigments.

6.6 kg total, 42.5 cm.

PROVENANCE: Property of a London gentleman; ex Cybele Gallery, Paris, France; formerly with Christie's in 2006; previously in a private English collection.

CONDITION: Intact, see photos.

PARALLELS: See Cook, R.M., Clazomenian Sarcophagi, Mainz, 1981, for discussion of the sarcophagi produced at the city of Clazomenai,


A carved ceramic fragment with white slip and black pigment field to the lateral flange; white vertical band with painted meander pattern to one narrow edge; painted guilloche to the wider face terminating in a profile male bust wearing a conical hat with spirals and pellets, possibly the tutelary god Apollo; mounted on a custom-made stand. The sarcophagus is made from a coarse pink clay with a white slip covering, the style for which the city of Clazomenae is known.

The interlacing motif developing on the front face corresponds to a decorative pattern that can be seen on Classical Greek clazomenian sarcophagi, such as the one in the Altes Museum in Berlin or in the museums of Smyrna: they are bordered with grooved fretwork like the one shown here running along their long sides, while on the short sides are depictions of divinities, conch shells and homoerotic scenes of young aristocrats. The side retains Greek geometric fretwork decoration.

Clazomenes or Clazomene was an ancient Ancient Greek port polis on the Aegean coast of Anatolia. The painted terracotta sarcophagi discovered in the necropolis of the local archaeological site are the most prized works of Ionian painting from the 6th century BC. Many of them are kept in the neighbouring museums of Smyrna.

Clazomenes was an ally of the Ionian League (or Dodecapolis, which was the confederation of the twelve cities). During the Ionian revolt against the Persians in the early 5th century BC, Clazomenes was moved to an island just off the coast. According to tradition, Alexander the Great connected the island to the mainland by means of an artificial ramp. The city of Urla, which is also a district of the province of Smyrna in Turkey, is located on the site where it once stood.

The piece includes authenticity certificate.
The piece includes Spanish Export License.
The seller guarantees that he acquired this piece according to all national and international laws related to the ownership of cultural property. Provenance statement seen by Catawiki.

Mais sobre o vendedor

Galeria de Arte Antiga - Arqueologia sediada em Barcelona com mais de quinze anos de experiência. Especializado em arte clássica, arte egípcia, arte asiática e arte pré-colombiana. Garante a autenticidade de todas as suas peças. Participa nas feiras de arte mais importantes de Espanha, como Feriarte, bem como em feiras no estrangeiro, BRAFA, Parcours des Mondes, Cultures Brussels. Todas as peças são enviadas com uma Licença de Exportação emitida pelo Ministério da Cultura espanhol. Nós somos rápidos para enviar via DHL Express ou Direct Art Transport.
Traduzido pelo Google Tradutor
Período cultural
Grego antigo, Clazomenae
Name of object
Fragmento de Sarcófago. Séculos 6 a 5 aC. 42,5 cm H. Teste TL! Licença de exportação espanhola.
Século/ Período de tempo
6th-5th century BC
Coleção privada
País de origem
excelente estado

2076 avaliações (754 nos últimos 12 meses)
  1. 748
  2. 6
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2076 avaliações (754 nos últimos 12 meses)
  1. 748
  2. 6
  3. 0

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O vendedor garante e pode provar que o objeto foi obtido legalmente. O vendedor foi informado pela Catawiki que tinha de fornecer a documentação exigida pelas leis e regulamentos do seu país de residência. O vendedor garante que tem o direito de vender/exportar este objeto. O vendedor fornecerá ao comprador toda a informação conhecida sobre a proveniência do objeto. O vendedor garante que serão ou já foram obtidas todas as autorizações necessárias. O vendedor informará imediatamente o comprador de quaisquer atrasos na obtenção de tais autorizações.