编号 81344569

8 藏红花天珠 30mm - 强力组合 - 「僧侣加持」+书法- 46 g
€ 55

8 藏红花天珠 30mm - 强力组合 - 「僧侣加持」+书法- 46 g

CEREMONY FERBUARY 2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPDCg_XnSrA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All the DZI I sell receive a Purification and Awakening Ceremony by my friend and Mongolian Monk Jagdag. This Ritual is inspired by chinese "KAIGUANG" (開光). Kaiguang is the Chinese term for consecration of a statue of a deity. In Chinese, the literal meaning of Kaiguang is "opening of light". While it is often performed in the Buddhist and Taoist faiths. It is believed that if a statue dont go through KAIGUANG, it cannot be worshiped or used for performance, as the eyes are still "closed". - CEREMONY VIDEO (youtube): https://youtu.be/nyH3jYXSar4 - CEREMONY VIDEO (1st half-30mn): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfuRI8ihEIU&t=341s ------------------------------------------------------------------- SAFFRON DZI (or Lama Dzi) refers to the color of those Dzi. >>> A wide variety of colours, ranging from a slightly orange yellow to a deep orange red, all simply called saffron, are closely associated with Hinduism and Buddhism, and are commonly worn by monks and holy men across Asia. >>> Buddhist monks in the Theravada tradition typically wear saffron robes (although occasionally maroon — the color normally worn by Vajrayana Buddhist monks). The tone of saffron typically worn by Theravada Buddhist monks is the lighter tone of saffron. ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------DZI 6 EYES---------- >>> The Dzi Bead of 6 eyes eliminates suffering, expels sorrow and has the ability to attract good luck. In Buddhism, there is a concept of 6 levels of human existence in the material Universe. These levels describe the gradation from the lowest, which in European tradition can be described as hell, to the highest - paradise. ----------DZI 7 EYES---------- >>>A 7-eye Dzi bead favors seven different aspirations in life. These are aspirations in career growth, achieving wealth, prosperity, longevity, improving relationships, gaining recognition and self-improvement. Wearing this bead allows you to achieve success at work and in your personal life, strengthens your health and harmonizes the condition of a person. ----------KUBERA DZI---------- >>> The Dzi Kubera bead is one of the most popular Tibetan talismans aimed at accumulating wealth. This Dzi symbolizes the god of wealth, Kubera or Dzambala. These are different aspects of the god of wealth and abundance, which are different in Buddhist and Hindu traditions. ----------TREASURE VASE---------- >>> Dzi bead nectar vessel of plenty contributes to the enrichment of its owner, improves the quality of life and protects against possible losses. Dzi fertility vessel provides safety and prevents misfortune. It improves health and prolongs life. Therefore, it is also called Dzi longevity. >>> Dzi nectar vessel of plenty helps its owner increase his income. This Dzi has the power to eradicate sadness and suffering. The Dzi fertility vessel attracts luck and helps its owner make money and become richer and healthier. >>>The picture, depicted on a Dzi bead, a nectar vessel of plenty, personifies one of the auspicious symbols of Buddhism - a precious vase. ----------HEAVEN & EARTH DZI---------- >>>DZI Heaven and Earth balances and leads to harmony two opposite substances - Yin and Yang. These opposites are expressed in the Dzi bead by earth and heaven. Earth corresponds to Yin - the feminine, and the sky - Yang, the masculine. >>>Usually in life it happens that one of these opposites predominates. Then a person is either overly active, quick-tempered, harsh, or vice versa, passive and always turns out to be a consequence of circumstances. >>>Dzi bead Heaven and Earth helps balance these two opposing forces, which immediately improves the ability of its owner to live a better life. Flows become balanced, behavior is more adequate, and achieving goals is easier than before. ----------MONEY HOOK----------(Rare with Tiger Tooth pattern) >>>The name of the Dzi bead Money Hook matches its image. Dzi Money Hook pattern looks like an ordinary “S” shaped hook. And the function of this hook, like a fishing one, is to catch. But not ordinary fish is caught on this hook, but happiness, wealth and prosperity. >>>Dzi Money Hook attracts money. It expands the ability to accumulate wealth. It becomes easier for the owner of this Dzi to take control of cash flows and keep them in the direction that brings the greatest prosperity in financial matters. Money hook provides regular cash receipts, stable sources of income, the emergence of new sources of income. Strengthens the financial situation without stress of vitality, shows new opportunities for generating income. ----------DZI 4 EYES "UNALOME"----------- >>> Dzi Bead 4 eyes is a bead of 4 Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva is the designation of a person in Buddhism who practices spiritual practices to become a Buddha (enlightened) and to bring benefit to all beings on earth. Bodhisattva's consciously remain in this world and do not go into nirvana to help people and other living beings get out of Samara — an endless cycle of rebirths. >>> They devote all their strength and energy to getting rid of the suffering of this world. Guided by compassion and relying on knowledge of the laws of this world and their wisdom, they make the salvation of all living things on earth a matter of their whole lives. The four-eyed bead Dzi represents the power of quality of these 4 Bodhisattvas. -----Qualities of four-eyed Dzi beads----- >>> The four-eyed bead Dzi is endowed with the qualities of four Bodhisattvas: -Maitreya - Compassion and Wisdom -Avalokiteshvara - compassion, protector from danger, supreme love -Manjushri - the wisdom and power of the Buddha, memory and intelligence -Mahasthamaprapta - Wisdom and Awareness >>> To understand the power that is contained in this Tibetan bead Dzi 4 eyes, which symbolizes these four Bodhisattvas, we will briefly consider each of them. -----Maitreya----- Maitreya is a Bodhisattva that is recognized and respected by all modern schools of Buddhism. Many Buddhists believe that he will soon reincarnate on earth, and after achieving full enlightenment he will begin to teach people the universal laws of life. This is the “Lord named Compassion” who will become the Teacher of humanity. -----Avalokiteshvara----- Avalokiteshvara is one of the most revered Bodhisattva in Buddhism. He embodies the compassion of all Buddhas. In Tibetan Buddhism, Avalokiteshvara is known as Padmapani (lotus holder), as well as Chenrezig. In East Asia, this Bodhisattva is known as Kuan Yin, or Cannon, both of which are female incarnations. Kuan Yin is a revered Bodhisattva of compassion in East Asia. In the West, she is widely known as the Goddess of Mercy. Kuan Yin is also revered by the Chinese Taoists as a symbol of immortality. The name Kuan Yin means "watching the sounds of the world." -----Manjushri----- Manjushri is one of the eight great Bodhisattva who were the closest disciples of Gautama Buddha. This is a Bodhisattva of higher wisdom. It symbolizes the embodiment of prajnaparamita - the knowledge and transcendental wisdom of all Buddhas. In the images he can be seen with a sword in his right hand, with which he fights with the darkness of ignorance, and a text scroll in his left. -----Mahasthamaprapta----- Mahasthamaprapta is a Buddhist Bodhisattva that personifies the power of wisdom. He is often portrayed in a trinity with Avalokiteshvara and Amitabha. In Chinese Buddhism, he is usually portrayed as a woman similar to Kuan-Yin. He is also one of thirteen Buddhas in Japanese Buddhism. In the Surangama Sutra, the Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta talks about how he gained enlightenment by attaining the state of samadhi through the constant pure awareness of the Buddha. -----Value Dzi Beads 4 Eyes----- >>> The 4-eye bead Dzi is endowed with the qualities of all 4 Bodhisattva. It helps to increase the wisdom of its owner, helps to fulfill desires, brings good luck and prosperity in life. It also performs a protective function well - it drives away evil spirits and removes obstacles to the goal. >>> Thanks to the great spiritual power, the Dzi 4-eye bead helps to overcome the negative influences of both the external world and those coming from our subconscious. It contributes to success in life and longevity. >>> The four-eyed bead Dzi is very favorable for people who are engaged in spiritual practices, as it helps to fight with their inner mental demons that poison our lives. She also protects against induced negative energy influences such as evil eye or damage. >>> All these qualities possessed by the Dzi 4-eye bead, together with wisdom and compassion for all living creatures on earth, makes it an excellent choice for constant wear in any life situation. ----------UNALOME---------- >>> In its most simplified form, the Unalome symbol represents the path to enlightenment or to a higher place of spiritual contentment. It embodies our experience as human beings on Earth and signifies a deeper awareness of how we move through life and learn from our actions. >>> For those who practice yoga in search of a calmer mind or a sense of inner peace, the unalome is a particularly relevant symbol of the journey it takes to get to that state. It can be seen as a metaphor for overcoming challenges both on and off the mat. >>> Whether big or small, when we are presented with daily struggles, the Unalome is a reminder that every trial and tribulation is for our greater good. >>> The path toward accomplishing your goals is never going to be straightforward or simple. Yet somehow, after all the twists and turns, the Unalaome shows us that the winding road eventually straightens out and leads us to a place of happiness and fulfillment. Even when we can’t see it in the moment, each curve in the road holds a special lesson for personal and spiritual growth. >>> So even when life is hard or you experience suffering, the ancient Unalome symbol means that each person’s path is uniquely beautiful. Your journey through life is special and important in the grand scheme of the world. We are all ultimately being lead to a place of greater peace as long as we continue to work on improving ourselves. ----------1 Eye BODHI DZI----------(Rare pattern) >>> The bead of Dzi Bodhi, as the name implies, represents the state of the Bodhi that Gautama Buddha reached over 2500 years ago. The word Bodhi translates as awakening or enlightenment. When this condition occurs, the following achievements occur: -Comprehending your past lives. -Understanding the secrets of karma and reincarnation. >>> The realization that liberation is achieved and there will be no more suffering, the cycle of samsara is completed and you do not have to go through the next incarnations on Earth. >>> Prince Siddhārtha Gautama attained enlightenment after prolonged meditation under the Bodhi tree. Now he is known as Shakyamuni Buddha, or Buddha, and is considered the founder of Buddhism. -----Description and Application of Bodhi Dzi----- >>> The Dzi Bodhi Bead helps to develop virtues and eliminates misfortunes in your life. This bead helps to avoid the dangers and vicissitudes of fate. When wearing it, compassion, generosity and condescension to people grow. A person becomes wiser and more conscious. Dzi Bodhi assists in breaking free of the shackles of the wheel of samsara and attaining nirvana. >>> The Dzi Bodhi bead depicts a drawing resembling a tree. The Bodhi tree provided shelter and help to the Buddha when he sat under him in meditation. Therefore, the Bodhi tree is considered a sacred tree endowed with magical powers. It fulfills desires, provides protection and helps to achieve your goals. >>> Dzi Bodhi gives help in acquiring a mentor and help from strong and significant people. In Buddhist countries, the majority of students who pass important exams come to the Bodhi tree and ask for blessings for him to pass the exam. This symbol of the sacred tree helps to achieve excellent results in learning and learning new knowledge. -----Conclusion----- >>> Dzi Bodhi bead helps to avoid difficulty and disaster. She is able to change someone's negative fate and turn her in a favorable direction. This Tibetan talisman protects from evil and evil intentions, patches spiritual wounds and helps to find wisdom and kindness. >>> The Dzi Bodhi Bead helps students and anyone who studies to learn the material better. If what you are learning is very difficult for you, then put on this Dzi. She will help you better cope with the study of difficult material and support your intention to learn new knowledge. >>> Wearing this Dzi helps those who seek self-improvement. It supports the pursuit of spiritual development and indicates the path to enlightenment. Carry a bead of Dzi Bodhi and simplify your path to learning new knowledge and achieving enlightenment.

编号 81344569

8 藏红花天珠 30mm - 强力组合 - 「僧侣加持」+书法- 46 g

8 藏红花天珠 30mm - 强力组合 - 「僧侣加持」+书法- 46 g

CEREMONY FERBUARY 2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPDCg_XnSrA
All the DZI I sell receive a Purification and Awakening Ceremony by my friend and Mongolian Monk Jagdag. This Ritual is inspired by chinese "KAIGUANG" (開光). Kaiguang is the Chinese term for consecration of a statue of a deity. In Chinese, the literal meaning of Kaiguang is "opening of light". While it is often performed in the Buddhist and Taoist faiths. It is believed that if a statue dont go through KAIGUANG, it cannot be worshiped or used for performance, as the eyes are still "closed".
- CEREMONY VIDEO (youtube): https://youtu.be/nyH3jYXSar4
- CEREMONY VIDEO (1st half-30mn): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfuRI8ihEIU&t=341s
SAFFRON DZI (or Lama Dzi) refers to the color of those Dzi.
>>> A wide variety of colours, ranging from a slightly orange yellow to a deep orange red, all simply called saffron, are closely associated with Hinduism and Buddhism, and are commonly worn by monks and holy men across Asia.
>>> Buddhist monks in the Theravada tradition typically wear saffron robes (although occasionally maroon — the color normally worn by Vajrayana Buddhist monks). The tone of saffron typically worn by Theravada Buddhist monks is the lighter tone of saffron.
----------DZI 6 EYES----------
>>> The Dzi Bead of 6 eyes eliminates suffering, expels sorrow and has the ability to attract good luck. In Buddhism, there is a concept of 6 levels of human existence in the material Universe. These levels describe the gradation from the lowest, which in European tradition can be described as hell, to the highest - paradise.
----------DZI 7 EYES----------
>>>A 7-eye Dzi bead favors seven different aspirations in life. These are aspirations in career growth, achieving wealth, prosperity, longevity, improving relationships, gaining recognition and self-improvement. Wearing this bead allows you to achieve success at work and in your personal life, strengthens your health and harmonizes the condition of a person.
----------KUBERA DZI----------
>>> The Dzi Kubera bead is one of the most popular Tibetan talismans aimed at accumulating wealth. This Dzi symbolizes the god of wealth, Kubera or Dzambala. These are different aspects of the god of wealth and abundance, which are different in Buddhist and Hindu traditions.
----------TREASURE VASE----------
>>> Dzi bead nectar vessel of plenty contributes to the enrichment of its owner, improves the quality of life and protects against possible losses. Dzi fertility vessel provides safety and prevents misfortune. It improves health and prolongs life. Therefore, it is also called Dzi longevity.
>>> Dzi nectar vessel of plenty helps its owner increase his income. This Dzi has the power to eradicate sadness and suffering. The Dzi fertility vessel attracts luck and helps its owner make money and become richer and healthier.
>>>The picture, depicted on a Dzi bead, a nectar vessel of plenty, personifies one of the auspicious symbols of Buddhism - a precious vase.
----------HEAVEN & EARTH DZI----------
>>>DZI Heaven and Earth balances and leads to harmony two opposite substances - Yin and Yang. These opposites are expressed in the Dzi bead by earth and heaven. Earth corresponds to Yin - the feminine, and the sky - Yang, the masculine.
>>>Usually in life it happens that one of these opposites predominates. Then a person is either overly active, quick-tempered, harsh, or vice versa, passive and always turns out to be a consequence of circumstances.
>>>Dzi bead Heaven and Earth helps balance these two opposing forces, which immediately improves the ability of its owner to live a better life. Flows become balanced, behavior is more adequate, and achieving goals is easier than before.
----------MONEY HOOK----------(Rare with Tiger Tooth pattern)
>>>The name of the Dzi bead Money Hook matches its image. Dzi Money Hook pattern looks like an ordinary “S” shaped hook. And the function of this hook, like a fishing one, is to catch. But not ordinary fish is caught on this hook, but happiness, wealth and prosperity.
>>>Dzi Money Hook attracts money. It expands the ability to accumulate wealth. It becomes easier for the owner of this Dzi to take control of cash flows and keep them in the direction that brings the greatest prosperity in financial matters. Money hook provides regular cash receipts, stable sources of income, the emergence of new sources of income. Strengthens the financial situation without stress of vitality, shows new opportunities for generating income.
----------DZI 4 EYES "UNALOME"-----------
>>> Dzi Bead 4 eyes is a bead of 4 Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva is the designation of a person in Buddhism who practices spiritual practices to become a Buddha (enlightened) and to bring benefit to all beings on earth. Bodhisattva's consciously remain in this world and do not go into nirvana to help people and other living beings get out of Samara — an endless cycle of rebirths.
>>> They devote all their strength and energy to getting rid of the suffering of this world. Guided by compassion and relying on knowledge of the laws of this world and their wisdom, they make the salvation of all living things on earth a matter of their whole lives. The four-eyed bead Dzi represents the power of quality of these 4 Bodhisattvas.
-----Qualities of four-eyed Dzi beads-----
>>> The four-eyed bead Dzi is endowed with the qualities of four Bodhisattvas:
-Maitreya - Compassion and Wisdom
-Avalokiteshvara - compassion, protector from danger, supreme love
-Manjushri - the wisdom and power of the Buddha, memory and intelligence
-Mahasthamaprapta - Wisdom and Awareness
>>> To understand the power that is contained in this Tibetan bead Dzi 4 eyes, which symbolizes these four Bodhisattvas, we will briefly consider each of them.
Maitreya is a Bodhisattva that is recognized and respected by all modern schools of Buddhism. Many Buddhists believe that he will soon reincarnate on earth, and after achieving full enlightenment he will begin to teach people the universal laws of life. This is the “Lord named Compassion” who will become the Teacher of humanity.
Avalokiteshvara is one of the most revered Bodhisattva in Buddhism. He embodies the compassion of all Buddhas. In Tibetan Buddhism, Avalokiteshvara is known as Padmapani (lotus holder), as well as Chenrezig.
In East Asia, this Bodhisattva is known as Kuan Yin, or Cannon, both of which are female incarnations. Kuan Yin is a revered Bodhisattva of compassion in East Asia. In the West, she is widely known as the Goddess of Mercy. Kuan Yin is also revered by the Chinese Taoists as a symbol of immortality. The name Kuan Yin means "watching the sounds of the world."
Manjushri is one of the eight great Bodhisattva who were the closest disciples of Gautama Buddha. This is a Bodhisattva of higher wisdom. It symbolizes the embodiment of prajnaparamita - the knowledge and transcendental wisdom of all Buddhas. In the images he can be seen with a sword in his right hand, with which he fights with the darkness of ignorance, and a text scroll in his left.
Mahasthamaprapta is a Buddhist Bodhisattva that personifies the power of wisdom. He is often portrayed in a trinity with Avalokiteshvara and Amitabha. In Chinese Buddhism, he is usually portrayed as a woman similar to Kuan-Yin. He is also one of thirteen Buddhas in Japanese Buddhism.
In the Surangama Sutra, the Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta talks about how he gained enlightenment by attaining the state of samadhi through the constant pure awareness of the Buddha.
-----Value Dzi Beads 4 Eyes-----
>>> The 4-eye bead Dzi is endowed with the qualities of all 4 Bodhisattva. It helps to increase the wisdom of its owner, helps to fulfill desires, brings good luck and prosperity in life. It also performs a protective function well - it drives away evil spirits and removes obstacles to the goal.
>>> Thanks to the great spiritual power, the Dzi 4-eye bead helps to overcome the negative influences of both the external world and those coming from our subconscious. It contributes to success in life and longevity.
>>> The four-eyed bead Dzi is very favorable for people who are engaged in spiritual practices, as it helps to fight with their inner mental demons that poison our lives. She also protects against induced negative energy influences such as evil eye or damage.
>>> All these qualities possessed by the Dzi 4-eye bead, together with wisdom and compassion for all living creatures on earth, makes it an excellent choice for constant wear in any life situation.
>>> In its most simplified form, the Unalome symbol represents the path to enlightenment or to a higher place of spiritual contentment. It embodies our experience as human beings on Earth and signifies a deeper awareness of how we move through life and learn from our actions.
>>> For those who practice yoga in search of a calmer mind or a sense of inner peace, the unalome is a particularly relevant symbol of the journey it takes to get to that state. It can be seen as a metaphor for overcoming challenges both on and off the mat.
>>> Whether big or small, when we are presented with daily struggles, the Unalome is a reminder that every trial and tribulation is for our greater good.
>>> The path toward accomplishing your goals is never going to be straightforward or simple. Yet somehow, after all the twists and turns, the Unalaome shows us that the winding road eventually straightens out and leads us to a place of happiness and fulfillment. Even when we can’t see it in the moment, each curve in the road holds a special lesson for personal and spiritual growth.
>>> So even when life is hard or you experience suffering, the ancient Unalome symbol means that each person’s path is uniquely beautiful. Your journey through life is special and important in the grand scheme of the world. We are all ultimately being lead to a place of greater peace as long as we continue to work on improving ourselves.
----------1 Eye BODHI DZI----------(Rare pattern)
>>> The bead of Dzi Bodhi, as the name implies, represents the state of the Bodhi that Gautama Buddha reached over 2500 years ago. The word Bodhi translates as awakening or enlightenment. When this condition occurs, the following achievements occur:
-Comprehending your past lives.
-Understanding the secrets of karma and reincarnation.
>>> The realization that liberation is achieved and there will be no more suffering, the cycle of samsara is completed and you do not have to go through the next incarnations on Earth.
>>> Prince Siddhārtha Gautama attained enlightenment after prolonged meditation under the Bodhi tree. Now he is known as Shakyamuni Buddha, or Buddha, and is considered the founder of Buddhism.
-----Description and Application of Bodhi Dzi-----
>>> The Dzi Bodhi Bead helps to develop virtues and eliminates misfortunes in your life. This bead helps to avoid the dangers and vicissitudes of fate. When wearing it, compassion, generosity and condescension to people grow. A person becomes wiser and more conscious. Dzi Bodhi assists in breaking free of the shackles of the wheel of samsara and attaining nirvana.
>>> The Dzi Bodhi bead depicts a drawing resembling a tree. The Bodhi tree provided shelter and help to the Buddha when he sat under him in meditation. Therefore, the Bodhi tree is considered a sacred tree endowed with magical powers. It fulfills desires, provides protection and helps to achieve your goals.
>>> Dzi Bodhi gives help in acquiring a mentor and help from strong and significant people. In Buddhist countries, the majority of students who pass important exams come to the Bodhi tree and ask for blessings for him to pass the exam. This symbol of the sacred tree helps to achieve excellent results in learning and learning new knowledge.
>>> Dzi Bodhi bead helps to avoid difficulty and disaster. She is able to change someone's negative fate and turn her in a favorable direction. This Tibetan talisman protects from evil and evil intentions, patches spiritual wounds and helps to find wisdom and kindness.
>>> The Dzi Bodhi Bead helps students and anyone who studies to learn the material better. If what you are learning is very difficult for you, then put on this Dzi. She will help you better cope with the study of difficult material and support your intention to learn new knowledge.
>>> Wearing this Dzi helps those who seek self-improvement. It supports the pursuit of spiritual development and indicates the path to enlightenment. Carry a bead of Dzi Bodhi and simplify your path to learning new knowledge and achieving enlightenment.






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